Example sentences of "if he is [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My husband has always maintained that it destroys a young man 's ambition to succeed in life if he is financially indulged too young .
2 If you put someone on a second floor balcony , for instance , to deliver an address , it looks as if he is simply haranguing his listeners .
3 When Disllokey nods to me this morning it is with a distant seriousness , as if he is already bracing himself to lose his identity in the harshly impersonal world across the water .
4 An employee may prefer to do this if he is already paying the maximum 15 per cent cent in employee contributions ( including AVCs ) or to maximise tax-free cash .
5 Their son Rhys suffers from Batten 's disease , which will cause blindness , dementia and death by the age of seven if he is not treated soon .
6 An energetic and ambitious figure who was recently elected chairman of the local council , Vishwendra Singh has threatened to run independently if he is not selected .
7 Nor , said Thomas Gisborne in 1795 , must he himself disdain to borrow money at the appropriate moment if he is not to put his credit to real and serious hazard .
8 The next day Karen telephones Lydia and threatens to tell the local newspaper and the national press about the ‘ assault on her boy by a teacher ’ if he is not reinstated immediately .
9 He is a special category of senior civil servant whom a minister can send into temporary retirement and replace with another if he is not felt to share the minister 's party political affiliation .
10 In fact , at common law , it is better for the seller if he is not fixed with actual knowledge of such contracts , since he is then more likely to escape liability for consequential loss suffered by the buyer if the seller 's default prevents the buyer from fulfilling his obligations under those contracts .
11 If he is not invited to remain as our candidate I will resign .
12 " If he is not arriving soon , he will be too late , " he declared .
13 Mr Field has said he will resign and cause a byelection if he is not reselected , a move which could divide the party nationally .
14 ‘ The greatest thing is telling him there is no point going to his mainstream school any longer if he is not going to get around and that he 'll have to go to a special school — at which point he explodes in terror and starts to make special efforts .
15 But , against that , the presence of Neil Edwards and Troy Coker ( if he is not suffering from jet lag ) in the line-outs should work in Quins ' favour .
16 The deputy mayor said confidently , ‘ While I am absolutely certain that he will be found , if he is not found , this will be setting a precedent ’ ; since the mayoral office was instituted this is normally only a formality , with the mayor-elect waiting downstairs to be ‘ found ’ .
17 Even if he is not working they will want er I think it 's two pounds twenty a week out of him .
18 The stiff rein indicates that the horse is not carrying or pushing as much with that inside hind leg and so it is easier for him to shy ( and so stop going forward ) , if he is not working as well in the first instance .
19 Moreover if these covenants were given full force , they would tend to reduce his freedom to seek better conditions even by asking for a rise in wages ; because if he is not allowed to get work elsewhere he is very much at the mercy of his employer .
20 The restrictive covenant cases demonstrate that a covenant will not be upheld on the basis of the status of the information which might be disclosed by a former employee if he is not restrained , unless it can be regarded as a business secret or the equivalent of a business secret .
21 If he is not groomed the way he likes ( he 's ultra-ticklish ) , he wrinkles one nostril .
22 He must get it right today , however , if he is not to land himself with the label of being one of the best horses never to win a Gold Cup .
23 Thus a man may be possessed of knowledge of discreditable incidents in the victim 's life and may seek to extort money by threatening , if he is not paid , to disclose the knowledge to a wife or husband or employer , though the disclosure may not be libellous .
24 In such cases the nominated auditor still has to make professional enquiry of the existing auditor even if he is not qualified to audit , and whether or not he is a member of the Institute .
25 He needs more than one victory to win confidence in a town that has never much loved him ; and he can not afford even one more tiny slip if he is not to convince Washington that Mr Perot 's cruel judgment of his talents was right .
26 If he is not saying that he would repeal the increase in VAT , he is simply speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time .
27 He wrote in an essay published in 1937 that an artist must lead a " commonplace life " if he is properly to do his work .
28 If he is beyond recall , then she at least surely deserves a little compassion .
29 If he is n't killed first , of course .
30 If he is n't given anything , the subsequent events occur in much the same manner anyway .
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