Example sentences of "if you [vb base] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
2 If you remember at the last two sessions we 've talked about signs and symbols .
3 If you remember at the end of yesterday , Mr Donson will no doubt correct me if I 'm wrong , he fige finished up , we started the day with a total guaranteed minimum of about thirty three and a half thousand , we got that up by arithmetic to thirty four point nine thousand , and I think we finished up at around thirty six thousand at the end of the day .
4 Er , yes , this is a follow up erm , if you remember at the last full council meeting , we recorded er proceedings for the er British Corpus , is it , Town Clerk ?
5 If you retire at the normal minimum retirement age , which for most civil servants is 60 , you will get an annual pension and a lump sum .
6 Add to that the landing fees ( if you train at an aerodrome that levies these ) and the usual books , maps and equipment , and you ought realistically to be able to come home with your PPL having cost about $6,600 .
7 If you tack at the right time , when the wind slightly changes in direction , large amounts of ground can be made over those who are oblivious to the shift .
8 That there 's always this if you scratch at the surface of happiness and goodness .
9 If you sit at the back of a lecture hall , you 'll get less out of it than if you sit up front .
10 If you sit at the White House in the Oval Office and give orders then nothing will happen .
11 You can also obtain a certificate of posting if you ask at the counter .
12 I will put your talk as first item on the agenda so you can leave if you wish at the end of the talk .
13 If you go at the six o'clock showing , Monday to Friday it 's two pound ten pence for you .
14 But , if you go at the six o'clock showing here it 's two pound ten pence for you .
15 Erm what we 're gon na do for the second part of the morning is to look , if you like at the tourism application for the determinants of demand .
16 But we do n't find , if you like at the top end of the corporate finance market , that they are yet as significant a competitor as are er rivals among the leading firms .
17 It 's a , we tend to , it 's a bit , erm , if you like at the moment what each little department within the agency , what every department do .
18 If you knock at the door of the gamekeeper 's house and he comes to the door wearing an antler head-dress , a black satin robe with a pentangle on it , and is holding a headless bleeding chicken in one hand , then even if he gives you permission to camp , think about going to a B & B. Some country folk are best left to their own devices .
19 Read for a while , then do some writing or some research browsing in a library ; this can reduce the effect of strain or tiredness with long bouts of writing , something which is particularly important for health reasons if you work at a computer .
20 to write to the Health and Safety Executive asking for a report on their findings of their investigation into the causes of the explosion , and erm after several letters , if you recall at the last meeting I was asked to write to MPs and so forth .
21 This timing is vital even on the smallest of waves since if you pump at the bottom of a wave you will not go any faster .
22 If you 're in any doubt about it , do n't — you 'll do less harm if you leave it than if you prune at the wrong time .
23 If you fail at the top , you can still have a good season .
24 The family , meanwhile can be kept amused with the miniature railway , mini-farm and various family events , and if you meet at the coffee shop at the end of the day , you may even be treated to a little live music .
25 if you choose at the street side to act the part of Hampden , you have got to be right .
26 If you look at a dissection of the human arm you can see that the string-like tendons which attach to the fingers are joined further back in the arm , to the muscles .
27 If you look at a small child 's eyes , they are always looking in the direction in which they are moving .
28 If you look at a bar code it will normally be accompanied by a long number ( usually eight or thirteen digits long ) .
29 But if you look at a modern group like those Fishbone fellas , hell they 're really into my Funkadelic stuff : ‘ Free Your Mind And Your Ass Will Follow ’ !
30 Jones said : ‘ If you look at a war , there was always the lad who carried the flag , or the emblem of a country .
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