Example sentences of "if it [vb past] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever may have been said in the 1930s — even if it reflected current views then — cannot be correct today .
2 The proposed shoe factory , for example , would make a return on capital of around 15% if it sold running shoes for 1,000 roubles a pair .
3 So if it took six months to start each scheme up
4 But Luke only nodded , as if it made perfect sense .
5 We know if it made any note of where we 're meant to be going .
6 Such a gene could pay for itself if it motivated little girls to in fact compete with their brothers for what their brothers might otherwise er get uncontested .
7 I also asked if it affected sexual performance .
8 The Brewers ' Society contended that arrangements with their outlets fell within the block exemption of exclusive purchasing agreements 1984/83 , and therefore that the UK would be in breach of its obligations under the Treaty of Rome if it prohibited such arrangements .
9 He leaned forward once again , subjecting her to the unnerving illusion of being pinned by his shadow , trapped and oppressed by it , as if it carried physical weight , composed of all that he felt for her , lust and contempt .
10 THE only way men could be relied on to take the proposed male contraceptive pill would be if it enlarged certain parts of their anatomy in the way the female pill enlarges breasts .
11 So Vi called them her last-day-of-peace roses and vowed they would remain there until the war was over , even if it lasted four years , like the last one had done .
12 It 's grown on a , a north facing wall so bit , bit more now I think if it got more sun .
13 The growth of the ‘ displacement ’ model would be understandable if it resolved individual difficulties or reduced the general incidence of difficulty .
14 When viewing a house we were interested in buying , we asked the owner if it had rear access .
15 Well that 's right , even with help from upstairs , I mean , if it had four wheels on right , alright .
16 Christians quote from the Bible as if it had divine authority .
17 Outside , the Chelsea Pensioner pub would have have been doing good business if it had any drinks to sell , but it was purely decorative ; part of garden by Hereford Wyevale Garden Centre called the outer sanctum which won a silver-gilt medal .
18 That 's if it had any sockets upstairs !
19 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
20 The usefulness of the Grand Plan , even if it had few subscribers , was that it provided a cover .
21 UNTAC would only be successful , Boutros-Ghali stressed , if it had adequate human and financial resources .
22 The more cross-holdings there are , the less chance of success for any outside raid on Hongkong Land , even if it had semi-official backing from the Chinese government .
23 After that , Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak , the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink .
24 Such survivals in attitude and custom , however , can not obscure the fact that the fundamental direction of European society had been for decades moving increasingly into the hands of a bourgeoisie whose assumptions were at bottom not those of aristocratic society , even if it aped aristocratic style .
25 Thus new furniture would be defective if it contained live woodworm even though the presence of the woodworm posed no threat of personal injury .
26 Rupert repeated his earlier greeting and came towards her with a glass jug that looked as if it contained some kind of cocktail .
27 His face was thin and emaciated , drawn together as if it spent each night in some kind of linen press .
28 As she hesitated , she glanced at the loose page to see if it offered any clue to its rightful position in the book .
29 The government of Taiwan announced on May 11 that the vessel was free to dock in the country but that it would not be allowed to return if it violated international law by making unauthorized broadcasts to the mainland .
30 John Redwood , a former head of Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , saw no mileage in his current job as local-government minister if it meant non-stop council-bashing .
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