Example sentences of "if it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If it produces poor results , it is surely legitimate to make changes .
2 Whatever may have been said in the 1930s — even if it reflected current views then — cannot be correct today .
3 The proposed shoe factory , for example , would make a return on capital of around 15% if it sold running shoes for 1,000 roubles a pair .
4 If the EEA intervenes to support sterling ( i.e. if it sells foreign currencies and buys sterling ) then the receipt of sterling by the Bank will act to drain market liquidity .
5 On the other hand we all know that any social and political change — call it revolution or not , it does n't really matter — is meaningful only if it builds new institutions .
6 Such a gene could pay for itself if it motivated little girls to in fact compete with their brothers for what their brothers might otherwise er get uncontested .
7 The rule in Adam v Ward offers consolation to victims of attacks made under the " coward 's cloak " of Parliamentary privilege : they may reply in kind , through newspapers which will only be liable for the defamatory content of their reply if it is irrelevant to the subject-matter of the attack , or if it defames other persons who bear no responsibility for the attack .
8 THE only way men could be relied on to take the proposed male contraceptive pill would be if it enlarged certain parts of their anatomy in the way the female pill enlarges breasts .
9 A museum will be able to register as a ‘ museum of France ’ if it respects certain rules concerning the management of its collections and the level of service given to the public .
10 This means that the Bank of England can not be sure of success if it uses open-market operations to expand the money supply .
11 The growth of the ‘ displacement ’ model would be understandable if it resolved individual difficulties or reduced the general incidence of difficulty .
12 After that , Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak , the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink .
13 Bill has plenty more photographs and stories about his walk and if it proves popular hopes to bring out a hardback guidebook .
14 By the third year , the young orang is much more venturesome and will leave its mother for short spells , especially if it meets other youngsters who are willing to play .
15 In his refreshing book Mr Veseth looks at Victorian Britain , which improved on Florence 's commercial ideas , particularly public debt , and also went into decline ; and at present-day America , which is deeply in debt but might , he argues , avoid decline if it takes brave decisions .
16 But if it involves simple images , there 's no need to buy the most complicated package .
17 The guidelines make it clear it is council policy not to permit golf development if it involves new buildings or associated development in the open countryside , and is unrelated to existing settlements .
18 How near is your proposed venue to airports ( if it involves international visitors ) , and the road and rail links .
19 The great treeless plains from Salamanca to Valladolid were most economically employed with wheat and grazed fallows , while other poorer provinces — Avila for instance — could grow little else , even if it meant wretched crops and three-year fallows .
20 He threatened tough action to control council spending — even if it meant painful limits on Tory authorities .
21 I hate to think what effect it would have on our deficit if it included realistic costings of the value of their time .
22 Ductal cannulation was rated as ‘ easy ’ if cannulation could be achieved immediately , and as ‘ difficult ’ if it required repeated attempts leading to obvious trauma to the papilla .
23 The Article 22 proposal for EEC funding of pilot schemes to demonstrate to farmers how they can achieve the objectives of development plans is to be welcomed but only if it includes environmental considerations as suggested by several witnesses to the House of Lords Select Committee .
24 Over the next 12 months , it will buy another 1.89% in the open market , and gets an option on a further 4% for another $150m from Olivetti 's shareholders ' syndicate by June 1994 ; that adds up to 9.92% , which if it paid current prices for the shares it buys in the market would represent a total investment of about $330m .
25 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
26 Transformation : E. coli at a certain stage of their growth cycle can , after treatment with chemicals such as calcium chloride or rubidium chloride , take up raw DNA ( for example , DNA purified in the laboratory ) and , if it contains appropriate sequences , will incorporate them into their own genomes .
27 Discard it if it has awkward wires or some other hazard on the approach , and choose another field .
28 Although few have the physical strength to repel their attackers , even a relatively feeble animal can deter aggressors if it has chemical weapons .
29 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
30 If it has loving owners who can afford central heating , this breed presents no problems , but it has remained largely outlawed by the various cat societies .
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