Example sentences of "if it [verb] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Parliament ceased to be a representative assembly , in any plausible sense of the idea , or if it proceeded to enact legislation undermining the democratic basis of our institutions , political morality might direct judicial resistance rather than obedience .
2 Similarly , if it chose to reduce taxation , that too would be democratically justified .
3 THE BBC need not worry about its future if it continues to show programmes like Arnold Wesker 's play Roots .
4 Sir Alfred had spent enough of Rubery Owen 's profits and was impatient for success ; BRM would be closed down if it failed to win races in 1962 .
5 Pittenweem was one of the burghs which favoured Alexander , although if it had favoured Anstruther , it would have been three to two .
6 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
7 ( a ) Would Jeremiah Allen 's company have been so successful if it had certified boilers but not insured them as well ?
8 The generous and charitable Spirit that appeared in her was exerted upon all Occasions to the utmost of her Ability , and was such as would have been ornamental in a much higher Sphere , to which in all Probability , if it had pleased God to spare her Life , her own Merit would have raised her
9 Now , by the chaos of war , and because the exiled Napoleon had returned to France and thrust a new period of battle on Europe , Sharpe was a lieutenant-colonel in the 5th Belgian Light Dragoons , a regiment he had never met , had no wish to meet , and would not have recognized if it had formed line and charged him .
10 If it had taken place in London or New York I would have simply bawled at him to get lost .
11 Chris Ivory , chief executive at Bedale food firm Dalepak said he knew of a small company which would struggle to stay in business if it had to raise wages at the present time .
12 The United deal , if it had won US Transportation Department approval , would have made the airline the largest employee-owned corporation in America .
13 When he writes of prayer , he compares it with ‘ a lark rising from his bed of grass and soaring upwards , singing as he rises , and hopes to get to heaven and climb above the clouds ’ , and so the lark continues through clause after clause , buffeted by storms from which it takes refuge , until finally ‘ it did rise and sing , as if it had learned music and motion from an angel as he passed sometimes through the air about his ministries here below ’ .
14 We are prepared to consider the decoy as a permanent option if it helps to slow people down and save lives . ’
15 The resolution also ordered " all States in which there are funds of the Government of Iraq " to transfer proceeds to a UN escrow fund , and undertook to return to Iraq all monies so raised if it agreed to sell oil under UN supervision [ see pp. 38942 ; 38788-89 ; 38838 ; 39026 ; 39115 ] .
16 The title alone is enough to show that this piece , if it avoids giving offence in the ways just glanced at , will offend none the less .
17 A local authority must apply to the court if it seeks to deny contact to a parent or any other person entitled under s34(1) or by virtue of a court order .
18 If it does move L or R , turn in the same direction a maximum amount — at any one time — of 5° .
19 Legal requirements may prevent a significant proportion of men returning to their original job , particularly if it involves driving motor vehicles .
20 For Gandhi , religion is equivalent to helping the helpless , and given the choice between ‘ counting beads or turning the wheel ’ , he would choose the wheel if it meant alleviating poverty and starvation .
21 She had said she would pay it back and she would keep her word , even if it meant scrubbing floors and washing dishes .
22 But he did n't want to go if it meant leaving Kate behind .
23 For all his-lofty declarations of the Christian mission to liberate the enslaved subjects of Communism , when they pleaded for liberation he remained deaf , if it meant risking war .
24 If it meant interrogating Wheeler , he knew he could not do it .
25 Oh yes , if it meant rescuing Nuadu .
26 Whilst paying lip service to the concepts , the CEGB remained unconvinced that it should bother seriously with either conservation or the renewable sources of energy , especially if it meant abandoning Hinkley C. It was up to the government to decide whether to provide incentives for energy efficiency , whilst the renewables must wait until pilot projects showed their worth .
27 SCO 's development partner DEC will have to soldier on alone , if it has not been doing just that for some time ( UX No 364 ) , if it intends to put OSF/1-for-ACE on its MIPS R4000 machines .
28 But if the brooding house really does seem too much of a cliché to you , if it fails to set fire to your imagination , then there is an alternative .
29 Greenpeace has warned that the insurance industry could face catastrophic losses if it fails to take action .
30 Even if it fails to find favour from above , the document will prod British artists and their funders into clearer thought about the how and why of what they do .
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