Example sentences of "if he [verb] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If 'e 'd been any bigger , she 'd have had a bad time . ’
2 In any case , 'e would n't be in 'ere terday if 'e 'd been lucky . ’
3 Rabscuttle was full of tricks and games and quite soon he was running and playing just as if he had been one of the children himself .
4 She looked reproachfully at him , as if he had been one of them .
5 If he had been young , nothing would have kept him from joining the Tuscan troops but as it was , he felt an old man and useless .
6 He felt light-headed , as if he had been awake for days on end .
7 If he had been alert to everyday things he knew he would have heard it sooner .
8 When I asked him if he had been involved in an accident , he shook his head .
9 In fact it seems more likely that Picasso felt that the Demoiselles as he decided to accept or leave it represented a truly astonishing challenge with which he himself must come to terms ; obviously if he had been dissatisfied with the look of the painting he would not have left it as it is , and it has been argued that the stylistic discrepancies within the painting are essential to its iconography , to the message which it is intended to convey .
10 I could have understood it in Cottee 's case if he had been sweating blood for Everton .
11 If he had been absent I would have looked upon it as something of a hollow victory .
12 Outside in the street , where she could raise her voice again , she almost shouted at him , telling him he was to stop behaving as if he had been right and she wrong — as if he believed she now shared his views and endorsed his ridiculous maunderings .
13 The biggest irony of all is that probably no single factor proved more damaging than the contribution of the man who we were told was so universally respected and popular that , if he had been Labour leader instead of Neil Kinnock , Labour 's lead in the polls would have been 49 to 33 .
14 After all , he was a serving liaison officer between the CIA and the White House , even if he had been little more than a sleeper for several years .
15 If he had been loyal I should never even have mentioned these playroom plots and tantrums of yours .
16 If he had been close to the cliff I would not have been able to see him , but I could see the whole section of shoreline , and there was no boat there .
17 If he had been indifferent to Catherine , if he had not loved her at least as much , more , than she did herself , she could not have done it .
18 She had been wondering if she would have gone to visit Rupert if he had been ill , or if she would have left in to Sophia .
19 He is saying that it would have been unlawful to honour the patient 's request , even if he had been willing to do so .
20 It was often , and still is , alleged by his devotees that Charles I could have saved his life if he had been willing to abandon his Church .
21 I did not question him because I knew he would be unable to describe what and how he felt , even if he had been willing to do so .
22 If he had been concerned to compile a mental list of likely candidates for involvement in conspiracy — any conspiracy — Rostov would have placed Grigoriev at or near its head , and so reference to the Adjudicator was not a surprise .
23 She said : ‘ If he had been any shorter he would not have survived . ’
24 If he had been angry the previous day over the matter of the raid on the Bedfordshire farm , he was by now almost hysterical with rage .
25 Even if he had been aware of the presence , the darkness would have prevented him seeing the man who watched his flat .
26 If he had been aware that she 'd gone , he would probably have assumed that someone else had taken her home .
27 So now she got up carefully , her nightdress clinging damply to her body , and laid the sheet back over her sleeping husband with as much respect as if he had been dead .
28 If he had been free to enter the leadership stakes immediately after our October election defeat , he would almost certainly have been elected .
29 Christopher had turned blue as if he had been short of oxygen .
30 Nor was he helped by being up against the mighty deeds of the West Indies in his first two series , and perhaps if he had been able to cut his teeth on something less difficult the story might have had a happier turn to it .
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