Example sentences of "if he [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If he committed the crime under an insane delusion , his liability depends on the question whether he would have been liable had the facts been as he imagined them to be .
2 Perhaps if he seized the moment , lifted her long mane of hair , kissed the tender little place where the fragile bones disappeared into the collar of her jacket …
3 The manager ca n't justifiably desert either of his regulars at the moment but knows that if he walked the street and canvassed the fans there would be only one answer : bring on the Frenchman !
4 He thought that if he shot the barracuda behind the head , it would leap clear of the water with its jaws snapping .
5 The system of advancement through the grades was ( and is ) tightly controlled , and was ( and is ) done strictly on the basis of seniority , and a driver is penalised if he breaks the chain : if his name is top of the list for promotion to a certain level , he is allowed to refuse such promotion twice ( Murdoch 1986 : 44 ; 30 ) .
6 If the manager can dress up the equipment as a way to increase efficiency , then he is far more likely to win his case than if he presents the hardware as a means of winning a political battle .
7 Sweet Molly , who he was about to take out for the day and seduce if he got the chance .
8 And maybe change it , if he got the chance .
9 If he got the chance .
10 Ignoring the edge of sarcasm audible in his reply , and making no attempt to conceal her scepticism , she asked instead , ‘ You really believe Svend will get in touch with you if he receives the message ? ’
11 The new rule is ‘ no player will be offside if he receives the ball directly from his own half of the field ’ .
12 She also promised that , if he returned the ring to her whenever he was in trouble , she would help him . "
13 Perhaps if he wrecked the thermostat , someone would think it worth putting a little pressure on their British friends .
14 If he recognises the word as wrong himself , then it is n't serious .
15 It depends on an understanding by the man of the horse 's natural reactions , knowing that if he recognises the horse 's signals and makes the right moves , the horse will treat him — and trust him — as he would another horse .
16 Yes if he keeps the donkey like that
17 That gave Webb an easy catch and it gave him the time to see that Bath would have a man over if he ran the ball to the left .
18 The Home Secretary may , however , refuse to grant a franchise if he suspects the funding arrangements , or feels ‘ it would not be in the public interest ’ .
19 The Home Secretary may , however , refuse to grant a franchise if he suspects the funding arrangements , or feels ‘ it would not be in the public interest for the licence to be awarded ’ .
20 His voice sounded cynical , but then he smiled , almost as if he understood the look of sudden shock on her face , as he once more became that unfriendly stranger who 'd been her brother 's best friend .
21 Asked if he understood the charge , he replied clearly ’ yes ’
22 Maybe he would worry less if he understood the situation .
23 If he realised the effect he had had on her — was still having on her …
24 Another backbencher was told his place on a Foreign Office organised trip would be withdrawn if he defied the Government .
25 His companion , swathed in a dark tawny robe as if he felt the cold , was a different kettle of fish : jet black hair framed a white face .
26 Rutherford was muttering something about a by-pass always changing a country community , as if he felt the need to apologise for the place .
27 Fearon , his swarthy face as white as a ghost beneath the tan , removed his hard hat slowly , the last to do so , and with an angry look at Green as if he felt the financier had somehow insulted rather than honoured the lifeless form sprawled on the flagstones .
28 Asked if he felt the cult leader , David Koresh , was manipulating agents , Mr Ricks replied : ‘ As far as being jerked around , we are not going to be jerked around . ’
29 He would go some way to doing so if he told the House tonight that he intends to monitor carefully what is happening and to initiate independent research into the strengths and weaknesses of the new system in its initial stages .
30 They might kill Lexandro if he played the fool .
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