Example sentences of "if i have [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I did n't get too much sleep that night though , wondering if I 'd done the right thing ! ’
2 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
3 [ He will say later , ‘ If I 'd relaxed the standard there I 'd have had umpteen other people knocking on the door wanting to do precisely the same thing to save on trade effluent charges . ’ ]
4 The twins , both 22 , though Kevin is 11 minutes older , pulled no punches in the welterweight bout and Steve tells Associated Press : ‘ If I 'd had the chance , I 'd have knocked him out . ’
5 When he is sentenced to gaol he pleads in mitigation that he ‘ might have been a better citizen if I 'd had the levels ’ , to a Judge who did n't understand what he was saying , and of course the last page sees him studying for ‘ the levels ’ in prison .
6 Bits of Meccano lay around waiting to be pilfered if I 'd had the courage .
7 If I 'd had the sense to be frank with her last March , maybe I could have done that .
8 She was reported as seeing it as a serious matter and thought the fine by the court was not enough : ‘ I 'd have chopped his hand off if I 'd had the chance ’ .
9 If I 'd had the chance , I would have finished what I 'd begun . ’
10 It was the sort of thing I 'd have done I suppose if I 'd had the chance .
11 It got a roar of appreciation which I can still hear , and afterwards Stephen Sondheim came over to ask me if I 'd had the dress made to go with the remark .
12 ‘ When I bought this house and insisted she move in with me she took the path of least resistance and agreed , although even then if I 'd had the wits to see them all the signs were there that although she relished my role as provider she cared very little for me as a person . ’
13 The man checks my gun as if I 'd had the time and opportunity to fix the outcome , and then rather begrudgingly hands over a very full pair of red fake fur lips .
14 ‘ I sure would have , if I 'd had the chance .
15 I mean if I 'd had the money
16 Mum and Dad were dozing in their chairs but Dad opened his eyes as I sat down and asked if I 'd enjoyed the picture .
17 On Wednesday I met Mrs Matthews in the street and she asked if I 'd taken the cat to the vet and I admitted that I had n't .
18 And he only had to wait a couple of erm points left on his licence so if I 'd taken the dangerous thriving or something he could have lost his licence but erm that 's besides the point .
19 If I 'd caught the buggers I tell you , there would have been murder done . ’
20 so that 's English , and I 've got ta get , er he reckons he 'll get a B grade for the er lit , but I was so cheesed off with that erm piece I got today , thirty five and thirty five , one mark off being er an A , he put at the bottom aargh , if only you 'd seen the lousy ending , cos he said if I 'd got the , an extra couple of sentences it er would of been forty eight , forty , so that 's , so annoying , but I 've now got ta write an informal letter , I do n't know how that comes under informal letter
21 Marker sentence If I 'd known the price , I would n't have bought the book .
22 Teacher If I 'd known Student If I 'd known Teacher the price Student the price Teacher If I 'd known the price Student If I 'd known the prices , etc
23 Teacher If I 'd known Student If I 'd known Teacher the price Student the price Teacher If I 'd known the price Student If I 'd known the prices , etc
24 I wish I 'd had fewer children — if I 'd known the way prices would go up …
25 ‘ In fact , if I 'd known the effect my arrival was going to have , perhaps I 'd have stayed away .
26 For a moment I wondered if I 'd brought the bad luck down on us by pretending the planetaries were n't working , at the Vadinamian Valve .
27 Maybe this is why I am treated as if I 've polluted the town 's water .
28 So that divided forty-nine point two three four by ten and it 's as if I 've moved the point one place back .
29 ‘ How do I know if I 've met the right person ? ’
30 ‘ It 's one thing being peaceful — it 's another thing altogether not knowing if I 've done the right thing .
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