Example sentences of "if it have [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When viewing a house we were interested in buying , we asked the owner if it had rear access .
2 Well that 's right , even with help from upstairs , I mean , if it had four wheels on right , alright .
3 Christians quote from the Bible as if it had divine authority .
4 Outside , the Chelsea Pensioner pub would have have been doing good business if it had any drinks to sell , but it was purely decorative ; part of garden by Hereford Wyevale Garden Centre called the outer sanctum which won a silver-gilt medal .
5 That 's if it had any sockets upstairs !
6 All experience showed that an attack had some prospect of success only if it had numerical superiority in a ratio of at least 3 : 1 .
7 The usefulness of the Grand Plan , even if it had few subscribers , was that it provided a cover .
8 UNTAC would only be successful , Boutros-Ghali stressed , if it had adequate human and financial resources .
9 The more cross-holdings there are , the less chance of success for any outside raid on Hongkong Land , even if it had semi-official backing from the Chinese government .
10 After that , Waits retreats into his usual ho humdrum bummed-out bluesywoozy alkie drone mode mood muzak , the sort of mozzery gushy mush your dog would make if it had vocal chords and could handle its drink .
12 If it has that effect , it is not disputed that the rule of law applies , namely , that the release of one of two joint debtors has the effect of releasing the other .
13 The purpose is to improve work performance and is justified only if it has that result .
14 Discard it if it has awkward wires or some other hazard on the approach , and choose another field .
15 Although few have the physical strength to repel their attackers , even a relatively feeble animal can deter aggressors if it has chemical weapons .
16 Such beauty may make a strong impact , but , if it has little relationship with the inner nature , it is precarious .
17 Thus where the discretionary fund management arm of a conglomerate receives confidential information from the corporate finance arm about Company X , the fund management arm may be prevented from using the information of disclosing it if it has actual knowledge of the breach of confidence or possibly where it ought to have known of the breach .
18 The Commission is only likely to open proceedings if it has serious concerns about the impact of the merger on competition in the EC .
19 If it has loving owners who can afford central heating , this breed presents no problems , but it has remained largely outlawed by the various cat societies .
20 So , normally the boiler will malfunction on the D6 roll of a 6 , but if the Steam Tank has sustained 1 wound it will malfunction on a 5 or 6 , if it has 2 wounds it goes wrong on a 4 , 5 or 6 and so on .
21 If the staircase is suffering from poor design or bad workmanship , from wood rot or heavy infestation by woodworm , if it has loose joists or suffers separation from the wall — then you can mark down a major defect , as it will probably require complete renewal .
22 As the reader will appreciate , a country can fund a continuing current account deficit only if it has limitless reserves of gold and foreign exchange or unlimited foreign borrowing power .
23 If it has less incidence of such needs , does it not follow that it should score highly in the narrow spectrum of examination results for the most able pupils ?
24 ‘ Because each shaft is slightly thinner , hair starts to feel as if it has less body and volume , ’ says trichologist Philip Kingsley .
25 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
26 There are some newspapers which simply will not use a picture if it has any brand identification whatsoever .
27 Population regulation , however , if it has any advantage at all , can only be a long-term one ; it must therefore be a consequence of individual decisions to emigrate , taken on the grounds that conditions will be better elsewhere , not on the grounds that the population level must be kept down in order for the local resources to be conserved .
28 Symphony is such an old program that I 'd be surprised if it has any bugs in it .
29 If such was indeed the case , the assertion of later authors that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II , if it has any validity at all , would have to be interpreted as the elevation of an already existing semi-official or official post of no particular consequence , as , in effect , the transformation of the muftilik of Bursa into the Muftilik of the Ottoman lands .
30 If it has any effect , it will be slightly beneficial on the inflation front , but I would n't want to exaggerate that .
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