Example sentences of "if it [vb past] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Taking equation ( 4.29 ) to represent the economist 's model , it is easy to see that he would recommend to a government that if it wished to achieve a higher level of real output it should raise the rate of growth of the quantity of money .
2 When you heard me I was imagining a process whereby you 'd have a strategic sites policy in the structure plan which would enable a local authority in preparing its local plan if it wished to identify a strategic site and that would then become in the local plan , you know subject to all those consultation processes , and then it 's part of the portfolio that is available in the published arena with a statutory framework behind it .
3 The Security Council vote on Croatia , a unanimous 15-0 , came after a lengthy debate in which Russia called for sanctions against the former Yugoslav republic if it failed to honour a peace agreement signed a year ago .
4 if it 'd happened a couple of weeks ago when she was about I would of kept going over like she said I could do
5 Ally Pally 's pre-restoration days undoubtedly had associations of tatty romance — they lay in the contrast between the Cecil B. De Mille bravura of the original concept and such visible signs of its decline , as if it had become a Victorian actor/manager unable to gesticulate because of rheumatism .
6 He then engaged full astern , causing the boat to stop as if it had hit a brick wall , and cried : ‘ Drop anchor ! ’
7 She made a gesture with a graceful hand that shut me up as if it had turned a tap .
8 But then the weather changed and although things were given and flowering it was cold and windy and it seemed strange there should be all that blossom , wrong like , as if it had made a mistake and popped up at the wrong time — that was because I had felt the warmth of those few nice days .
9 as if it had happened a few years ago , Mr Donal John MacLennan , leaning on his metal gate as his sheep thronged the pens of today 's farm at Corry , knew that Johnson and Boswell had been guests in this place , and that they had had good times here .
10 As he tackled his cold meat loaf and salad , Hank thought he had better show some interest in his father , so he asked the back page of the newspaper if it had had a good trip .
11 I had never had him down as a kerb-crawler either , but from the state of the car it looked as if it had had a good kicking .
12 That this would be an inappropriate objection is evident from the fact that the Punch cartoon I mentioned earlier would have been almost as funny if it had figured a human fisherman rather than a kingfisher .
13 Penelope 's way home took her along St Basil 's Terrace , or if it had not done she would have arranged her journey to include it , even if it had meant a slight detour .
14 And animal minds , a fortiori , do not engage in this sort of computation ( which is why the Punch cartoon would have been less funny if it had shown a human fisherman ) .
15 Indeed , BA would almost certainly have pulled out of negotiations if it had thought a referral was likely .
16 And she also reminded herself that even if it had included a kiss it did n't mean a thing — especially as it had come from a man who was living in the outback to get away from women .
17 Perhaps Cromwell , when he passed , also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway , even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so .
18 The other part questioned whether in fact she really did want to get engaged to Harry if it meant leading a dreary life waiting for him to make his way in the world .
19 But Elton probably would n't mind exchanging his sparkling shorts to suffer Adams ' lumberjack shirts if it meant having a song at number one for 16 weeks like the Canadian rocker did
20 If one of us was really late , but could be seen running to catch the tram , Carnera waited , even if it meant starting a little behind time .
21 But if it troubled to open a history book or to read some political analysis it would see that the thing most needed by a government under pressure at home is an enemy without .
22 Oliver had reassured her that Sir Thomas could not possibly have committed suicide through anguish at her rejection and she was now prepared to enjoy the rest of the week immensely , even if it did involve a murder investigation .
23 No-one wants to have a glare lamp in their face at closing time nor to have a doorman shouting ‘ Drink up ’ in the middle of an act even if it did get a laugh .
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