Example sentences of "if she [vb past] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that if she kept the note , she might be tempted .
2 If she met the girl Marie on the way back there would be even more for her to tell Mademoiselle Rabier !
3 FitzAlan turned on her , flinging her off as if she carried the plague .
4 Then she was blowing up like a bubble herself and getting fatter and fatter and more and more bulbous till she filled the whole sky and I knew that if she burst the explosion would drown me in mud too , and I could smell the slurry in my nostrils already and it was getting up my nose and I could n't breathe and …
5 She praised Princess Diana and claimed : ‘ If she ran the world , child abuse would n't exist any more . ’
6 She behaved as if she owned the place .
7 Where in the 1930s the mother was given solemn warnings as to what would happen if she disobeyed the rules , the mode now is to refer her , with continual reassurances however , to what might possibly result from some mistaken handlings : ‘ Here 's what happens once in a while when the needs of the child are n't recognized ’ ( Spock , 1946 , chapter on ‘ The Two Year Old ’ ) .
8 But if she took the stallion at the end of that three weeks , he came back in another eleven days in case er she was n't settled you see .
9 Belinda thrilled at once to the beauty of it all , and knew that she would enjoy the opportunity of finding out more about where all these lovely things came from … if she took the job , she reminded herself hastily , just as Dr Russell had recently done , even while she suspected that the matter was a foregone conclusion .
10 Because of this ritual we wondered if Madame was privy to his secret , if she knew the story , if she sat by him because she knew that O 's great self-possession and his quietness were in fact the signs of a pain which had to be kept hidden , a pain which stayed fresh and so had to be controlled every hour of the night .
11 And what would Gemma Dallam — Gemma Gage — think to that , she wondered , if she knew the price he had made another woman pay to recover her brown satin ?
12 ‘ Well , actually , this is such a beautiful place , I was thinking of maybe staying on for a few extra days , ’ she invented hastily , knowing her mother would worry herself silly if she knew the half of it — let alone that her car had packed up .
13 She , like other woman-centred psychologists , does not pursue this question , but she manages to write as if she knew the answer .
14 The hon. Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) would be shocked if she knew the extent to which the hon. Member for Dagenham attempts to lead the public into believing that Labour would operate a more generous rebate system .
15 If she knew the truth today , her sympathy and her sense of drama would be equally engaged , and with her money , her right to know , to know everything .
16 It was hard , when a man worked as hard as he did , making money for her — yes , and with an ache in his heart — that she should sit there , looking — as if she saw the walls of the room closing in .
17 If she heard the taxi , then she would know everything was all right .
18 ‘ Not when I think of the trouble she 's caused , and she 'd cause more if she got the chance . ’
19 And Miss Linnet Gage , who would marry Adolphus Moon herself , like a shot , if she got the chance .
20 She would certainly go if she got the chance , and he would not blame her .
21 There was a fair indication too that , if she got the job , she was going to work harder than she had ever worked , in that she would have an assistant to work with her .
22 No one asked the matron if she thought the boy might have done this to silence Charley rather than avenge his mother .
23 A woman with feelings of that intensity might be capable of any action if she thought the man she loved was seriously in love with someone else .
24 It was depressing to have to admit to herself that after four days together she was none the wiser , that , if she made the mistake again of leaving her vulnerable heart unguarded , he might once more strike her a casually cruel blow , and this time she might not recover .
25 She scraped her chair away from her desk and stared at it as if she expected the spider to jump through the lid .
26 If she felt the presence of a man she had never known here in this house , just how much did Marguerite feel his presence and just how much did she need it at this time ?
27 If she told the truth , it would be a miracle .
28 And she 's got no chance if she told the truth !
29 But if she revealed the truth , what then ?
30 She was not in the least concerned at her mother 's solitary state but knew her to be so recently buffeted by events that she would not cavil at two visiting teenagers , although she had intimated to Sam that if she filled the house with them , she would kill herself .
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