Example sentences of "if at the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If at the beginning of NEP local party attitudes appeared to contain an element of laissez-faire , this was only because very little in fact could be achieved for lack of human and other resources .
2 If at the beginning of a career in crime writing you feel you would like to try this most awkward of short climbs , good luck to you .
3 The slow sliding drift towards five o'clock on a Friday afternoon would fill me with panic , as if at the presence of life ebbing .
4 so if at the bottom of page one , three , four there is the benefit to the residence of a hundred and eight pounds , when does that come into consideration in the year ending August nineteen ninety one , or the year ending August nineteen ninety two ?
5 All the problems that we have been wrestling with over recent years in attempting to formulate a set of principles for communicative language teaching suddenly vanish as if at the waving of a wand .
6 But what if at the moment of birth the whole of one 's life to come were to flash before one 's eyes and then to be immediately wiped away , forgotten , while we laboriously go through all the pleasures and sorrows , all the hopes and frustrations that make up a life , meeting people and parting from them , listening to them and speaking to them , to go through tasting all we taste in the course of our long lives , seeing all we see , every leaf at every moment and every cloud at every moment , and hearing all we hear , the hooting of every car and the singing of every bird and every performance of the Brandenburg concertos , go through all that , in time , very slowly , though we had already been through it all , every moment of it , leaf , cloud , concerto , in one brief but intense instant , everything perfectly formed but over in less than a second ?
7 I would say that , if his life is such that he has to use a drug , the welfare is poor , even if at the moment of using the drug there is no unpleasant subjective feeling .
8 Of the three , that showing John Tradescant is the finest , for neither corpse in the other two paintings is shown in shrouds , both women having been painted as if at the moment of death rather than after the laying-out .
9 Even if at the moment of decision the patient is fit to make it , his will may have been overborne by the undue influence of another , or by deception or misinformation of a significant kind .
10 " How flattering it would be to one 's pride if at the moment of leaving you were sure that you left a memory behind , that she would think of you more than the others . "
11 A marriage is so voidable if it has not been consummated because of the incapacity of either party , or because of one party 's wilful refusal to consummate it ; if the marriage was entered into without the consent of either party ( e.g. by reason of duress , mistake , or unsound mind ) ; if at the time of the marriage one party was suffering from mental disorder of such a kind as to render him or her unfitted for marriage , or from venereal disease ; or if the wife was at the time of the marriage pregnant by some other person than her husband .
12 Even if one of the two exceptions applies , dismissal will still be unfair if at the time of the dismissal there was a suitable alternative vacancy which was not offered in accordance with the detailed requirements of the employment protection legislation .
13 If at the time of the first Red Flag Act anyone had prophesied that within 100 years horseless carriages would be careering around by the million , they would have been thought dangerously deluded ; no one would have believed that society would survive such an onslaught .
14 If at the time of death the couple were already receiving the State retirement pension , the widow will continue to receive her share .
15 The answer is that he can maintain the action if at the time of the defendant 's act he had ( a ) ownership and possession of the goods , or ( b ) possession of them ; or ( c ) an immediate right to possess them , but without either ownership or actual possession .
16 As with an unsigned contractual document , this method of incorporation will work only if at the time of making the contract the buyer actually knew of the existence of the terms or else reasonable steps had been taken to bring them to his attention .
17 However , what might affect it is if at the time of the making of the contract the parties make an agreement about delivery and/ or payment , e.g. that they be postponed .
18 If at the time of making the contract , the buyer was unaware , and could not reasonably have been aware , of the gravity of the defect , then the court would probably hold that the condition as to merchantable quality was implied .
19 Even if at the time of sale the purchaser does not intend such rationalisation , it will not wish to fetter its discretion to do so in the future and to be able to adapt the business as it wishes to changing market circumstances .
20 Section 663 provides that where there is a settlement , and during the life of the settlor any income is paid to or for the benefit of a child of the settlor in any year of assessment , the income shall , if at the time of payment the child is unmarried and below the age of 18 , be treated as the settlor 's income and not the income of any other person .
21 He said that there were two situations in which the court would not enforce a clause : ( a ) if at the time of making the contract it is seen that it may in the future operate unfairly or unreasonably ; or ( b ) if after the time of making the contract it is found to operate unreasonably or unfairly even if those circumstances were not envisaged beforehand .
22 By itself , this approach does not establish a concept of durability since , in the case of perishables , it is self-evident that , if at the time of delivery to the carrier the natural produce are in such peak condition that they are likely to arrive in a deteriorated state , the requirement of merchantability at the time of delivery to the buyer has not been satisfied .
23 A transfer of other real property , such as the holiday home to the wife , will give rise to a capital gains liability if at the time of the transfer , as is more than likely , the parties are separated in such circumstances as are likely to prove permanent or are separated under a court order ( see p16 ) ( see , for example , Aspden v Hildesley [ 1982 ] 1 WLR 264 where a transfer of property which had never been the husband 's main residence was made to the wife six years after the parties separated ) .
24 ‘ The rule as to unsoundness is that if at the time of sale , the horse has any disease which either actually does diminish the natural usefulness of the animal , so as to make him less capable of work of any description of which in its ordinary progress will diminish the natural usefulness of the animal , or if the horse has , either from disease or accident undergone any alterations of structure that either actually does at the time , or in its ordinary effects will , diminish the natural usefulness of the horse , such a horse is unsound . ’
25 As the series went on , it became clear that the players would happily follow Gooch through fire , flood , armies of tarantulas or anything else he might choose , if at the end of it there was the chance of winning a Test match .
26 Thus in a self-contract he may make a contract such as ‘ if at the end of the week I have gone without a drink , or lost x lbs in weight , I can buy myself … ’ .
27 I did their first demos with them , and took the opportunity of telling them a few facts of life , saying that while it was nice to play guitar , if at the end of the line they were all broke then they were going to be very unhappy musicians who had missed their chance to be big , and so they had better take care of certain realities and do it right away .
28 ‘ Take my kids to sea for two weeks , just two weeks , and if at the end of those two weeks you really believe that the cruise-cure wo n't work , or if you 're convinced that you 're the wrong guy for the job , then send the twins home .
29 The only time we may ask you to make out a new schedule is , if at the end of a twelve months period , the amount owing on your Home Management Account is higher than one monthly transfer .
30 " If at the end of seven years , he can make up the fraction of a quarto forme and impose it , or is able to lay down a sheet of 16 's correctly , the apprentice so qualified may considered himself well advanced . "
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