Example sentences of "if they make the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er th but do n't forget that , that if they make the transfer , if they give the house to you , is that what you mean , yes ?
2 If they make the money they get paid , but if there is a downturn in the market or their performance is not as strong as it was a year ago , then their salary will be reduced accordingly .
3 Some people do not enjoy club activities but , many if they make the effort , find that they rather enjoy being involved with something and with other people .
4 Women who lacerated young feminist apprentices at conferences if they made the mistake of admitting confusion or heretical leanings .
5 I asked my guide if they made the sort of paper that was used for books ; she said they made every sort of paper .
6 If they made the bead taste bitter , by dipping it in alcohol , or quinine , or the pungent methylanthranilate , then the chick would peck once , show disgust by shaking its head vigorously and wiping its beak on the floor of its pen , and then back away , refusing to peck at a similar but dry bead offered any time from a few seconds to a few days subsequently .
7 This apparent lack of confirmatory evidence would be important if the general practitioners diagnosed gall bladder disease differently among patients with particular characteristics — for instance , if they made the diagnosis more often in smokers than non-smokers .
8 Precatory words were one , but only one , category of words which would be accepted as setting up trusts if they made the testator 's intention clear .
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