Example sentences of "if they have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well do do n't look as if they 've been used does it ?
2 And if they 've been malnourished since they were kids , they 're often slow in learning and remembering .
3 Oh all of my stuff has been up in the loft it 's like you say , I mean if they 've been double wrapped and everything and you wash them
4 No real problems if they 've been sensible with their money .
5 ‘ But then I 'd have been worried if they 'd been lethargic , so you ca n't have it all ways ! ’
6 Would that apply if they 'd been independent but gone back into it ?
7 I asked , wondering if they 'd been angry on behalf of Ban Bhāi because Chola and the other women had n't waited for his permission , or because they 'd cheated , sneaking out first and grabbing all the pine-needles at the edge of the forest without having to climb at all .
8 Down at the far end of the valley , there was still snow on the upper slopes of the mountains ; they looked as if they 'd been sugar-dusted , with stone walls showing like fine , black veins above the treeline .
9 Joe would have liked it better if they 'd been level .
10 It seemed as if they 'd been wrong about one thing and only too right about the other .
11 If they 'd been wise and told their government that this tax should not happen , as indeed many of their former ministers , like Michael Heseltine said , they 'd said it was incredibly complicated although seemed sounding easy , and would in fact bring higher levels of taxation to the lowest income people , then er if the local tories had actually acted on that and put pressure on their central party , perhaps their government would n't be in such a mess about this issue now .
12 Certainly , they could not have studied the group if they had been honest about themselves , but perhaps that just means that there are some social contexts that we can not study .
13 He spoke as if they had been married for years , and could joke about sharing a bed .
14 They also showed by lifetable analysis that the risk of pouchitis at 5 years was 44% if preoperative extraintestinal manifestations had been present v 33% if they had been absent .
15 But they must be for ever content to owe to the English that elegance and culture , which , if they had been vigilant and active , perhaps the English might have owed to them . ’
16 When we consider the essential role of susceptibility it becomes plain that the people who caught a cold in the bus were ‘ ill ’ before they ever stepped onto it , for if they had been healthy they would never have picked up the bugs in the first place .
17 Jesus , it was one island , that was true , but the terrain made the halves more remote from each other than if they had been two islands separated by a sea channel : you could n't skip across our jungles and mountains in an outrigger .
18 If they had been involved in the kind of ideas that led to this distinctive industrial policy of '73 –'74; they would have demanded as a quid pro quo for the successive incomes policies of 1975–6–7 the other side of the social contract , that these various aspects of industrial policy and worker participation in its various forms should be implemented ’ ( 1980 , p.7 ) .
19 If they had been successful , the incident might have appeared in one of the chapters of disaster .
20 These would include claims against the vendor 's professional advisers if they had been negligent in advising on the negotiation of the transaction .
21 This provided a richer and more varied diet and a grander life style for those in the middle and upper ranks of society than would have been possible if they had been dependent only on the products of a self-contained peasant economy .
22 If they had been younger , they could have scaled the Rockies in this high-stepping habit .
23 I did n't even know if they had been responsible but I had nothing more to offer .
24 But he added that they could have had serious consequences for her if they had been true .
25 A young Australian colleague of mine , with a Canadian collaborator , published ( Somatic Selection and Adaptive Evolution , Chicago UP ) some wayout views on inheritance of acquired immunological tolerance which would have been immensely important if they had been true .
26 Perhaps the Indians would have done so if they had been conscious of any pressure of numbers on the land , but North America was not crowded and the Indians assisted the new settlers and showed them how to grow the local crops .
27 The current South African team is still a long way from emulating the 1960s side which could well have claimed World Championship status if they had been able to test their strength against Garry Sobers ' West Indies .
28 On the eve of their presentation to the Women 's International Professional Council , a group of British tennis writers , plus two from France , were summoned to hear Gerry Smith suggest that all they really wanted to do was to give the women players the same sort of voice in the game as the men ; that they had no intention of tearing the women 's game apart and that if they had been able to carry on negotiations quietly and in confidence , there would have been no problems .
29 If they had been able to take more time over preparation of their findings and reasons the difficulties this court has faced on this appeal might not have arisen .
30 According to the evidence at the trial , only Zaidie bore witness to the defendant 's telephoned confession , but the defence might have promoted a viable theory of conspiracy if they had been able to show that Matadial had also testified to a confession , then resiled from it in her deposition , taken the offensive again in her addendum and finally opted for a female voice in her evidence .
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