Example sentences of "if you like the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is very easy if you like the day before literally as the minister said , the day before for them to make their change as to where the cut off point comes .
2 IF YOU like the work of Gertrude Jekyll , the great Edwardian garden designer and plantswoman , there are plenty of books about her gardens .
3 So , if you like the shape of something but not the size and colour , do not give up on it .
4 He said , we agree with that , he said we have decided that you will go on the detective staff on probation for a period of six months , and that means that if you like the detective staff and , and if the detective staff like you you will continue .
5 ‘ Okay if you like the type .
6 If you like the type , and though I say it myself , Tod is incredibly handsome …
7 Now if we take it just one step further , there was a lady well there still is a lady called and she did some research , what she was trying to look at was the the sort of body language if you like the actions that people er use and associate that to their personality and she looked particularly at people who were open positive communicators truthful I suppose but people who were open communicators and looked at the sort of things they did and also at people who perhaps were n't quite so honest and open and truthful .
8 So if you like the look of this guitar turn to page 114 and check out the simple competition I 've devised .
9 Finally , it helps if you like the person you are talking to .
10 If you like the idea , let us know ; if enough of you like the idea and say you do , I might be able to persuade the editor to make this a regular event .
11 If you like the idea of the Symphonic Dances being performed as a series of mildly undulating curves around a firmly maintained central axis , Dutoit is your man .
12 If you like the idea .
13 That is , if you like the idea . ’
14 If you like the idea , and would be prepared to spend a couple of evenings helping to build it , please mention it to a committee member in good time and we will see what can be done .
15 If you like the alternative you search for another like that , and so on .
16 If you like the house the chances are that other people will like it too , so speed is of the essence .
17 All pipe materials can be painted : copper can be polished up to a fine shine if you like the ship 's engine room effect .
18 If you like the disk and find it useful then you may register with the author or ourselves .
19 There 's been some tremendous movement from the Leicester City , if you like the front six the midfield players and the er front three .
20 So those are all if you like the background , the things that do change but the fundamentals that stay the same are the design and the delivery and although we 'll look a little bit although we 've er I have to say with the numbers we 've got here today it will only be a little bit about things like question and visual aids and because of the time factor if you think about it if we 've twelve people to make four presentations or we 've eight people to make four presentations time is a little bit different and with with twelve we do n't perhaps have the luxury of time that we would with eight people which is what the course was originally designed for .
21 It 's a bit like if you like the difference between working with nice constants nice numbers if I 'm saying
22 IF YOU like the flavour of Aqua Libra , try the new more herby and tart Aqua Libra Dry .
23 Well we 've we only went to the if you like the training session of the er erm participants yesterday and we 've got our next meeting on the 22nd February that I 've invited you to at .
24 It makes a firmer fabric than an every needle rib , makes a double jacquard pattern shorter and truer to the actual pattern and , also , you can use it for the plain rows instead of the ‘ striper ’ card if you like the texture .
25 if you like the germ of the idea of the poem is alive in his mind because he sits down at the page thinking I 'm going to write a poem .
26 And if you like the songs , you may go see the band , unless it 's a club thing or a one-off single .
27 If you like the sound of a Nicam digital stereo TV or long-play Video … it 's just a phone call away at your local Radio Rentals shop .
28 If you like the feeling of silk next to your skin , you 'll like our new Light and Natural Mousse Make-up .
29 Or you can hang out in a part of the music if you like the verse . ’
30 If , if you like the characteristics which you will show most of , and we 'll do a little team characteristics test a bit later this morning , but the characteristics which you will show most of are one , that you are fairly gregarious person , you like being the , the salesman is a , a loner and be quite a lot more to life , so you 're fairly gregarious people , and even though there are degrees of it , you 're all fairly extrovert people as well , and those two characteristics do n't lend themselves very well to being organised .
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