Example sentences of "if you go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rumour had it that if you went to a Norman Mailer party , you 'd see people smoking marijuana , covertly passing around a joint behind the bushes at the bottom of the garden .
2 If you went to a residential symposium with murder in mind , you 'd expect to come across some suitable weapon , whether it was a heavy saucepan or a carving knife .
3 How disappointed would you be if you went to a game and they made you watch a video instead of the real thing ?
4 How disappointed would you be if you went to a game and they made you watch a video instead of the real thing ?
5 You did n't dress up if you stayed at home , but certainly did if you went to a party .
6 Now of course , if you went to a salon
7 If you went to a summer party in 1970 , ’ said Joanne Brogden , Professor of Fashion at the Royal College of Art , ‘ you could guarantee that most women would be wearing a long ‘ Laura Ashley ’ skirt or dress .
8 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
9 Erm the advantage that schools has er have sorry , over the other products , is that if you went to a medical practice you may have four or five doctors to help you out .
10 If you went to an estate agent you may if they 're willing to er have one or two estate agent staff to help you out and if you went to a golf club you would be likely to have the pro or the secretary help you out .
11 Do you seriously think that if you went to a school and it was like , you know , all cosy , you know , you had dealers and were n't allowed to smoke , you were n't allowed to drink and you were n't allowed to take drugs do you seriously think anyone would go there ?
12 If you went to an estate agent you may if they 're willing to er have one or two estate agent staff to help you out and if you went to a golf club you would be likely to have the pro or the secretary help you out .
13 When I left school er if you went to the pit , it was the last of the last jobs .
14 ‘ I doubt whether it would be much use as evidence if you went to the police .
15 Even if you went to the police now , your story does n't shed any light on who did it .
16 Look , I do n't know a lot about this sort of thing , but surely it would go in your favour if you went to the police and told them everything of your own accord without waiting for them to … to … ? ’
17 I wonder if you went to the industrial companies , and said look , have you got a a , a , a big lot of something and
18 On the other hand , if you went to the other end of the scale and in that same season you looked at all horses that were offered at precisely two to one on , then you 'll find that there were twenty two horses which were offered at those odds and fifteen of them won .
19 If you go to a restaurant , it is worth telephoning beforehand to inform the staff that you are coming with a disabled person , so that you can reserve a table at a convenient distance from the front door or the toilet .
20 Even if you go to a great party with some friends and it lasts only three hours , so what ?
21 If you go to a fancy-dress party as a Turkish dancer , you can expect a good time ; if you travel on public transport late at night in such a get-up it will probably cause nothing but trouble .
22 Even if you go to a 424Mb disk for $4,800 — £4,060 — you still have plop down more bucks for more RAM .
23 So , for example , if you go to a supplier and ask for a machine to run Windows quickly , and you end up with an elderly 8086 PC , you 'll be entirely within your rights to ask for your money back .
24 Remember , if you go to a late-night party , you 'll need to make up those lost hours of sleep — probably at week-ends .
25 ( Note : You may also have to pay a fee if you go to a notary public or commissioner for oaths to sign your affidavit .
26 This service is free if you go to a justice of the peace ) .
27 However , the other aspect is that if you go to a medical practice you may have four or five doctors to help you out .
28 If you go to see this football club to watch the football match , you are not allowed to park on the grass verge outside because the police do n't let you but if you go to a car boot sale at the football club the next day the cars , the grass verge is littered with cars cos it 's Sunday presumably and the police are not allowed to enforce on it so I do think that some of the traffic problems maybe need to be more carefully reinforced to stop this , you know , to stop the dealers you 're not going tyo these places but you know I think you do need to , you do need to , to regulate them but please , you know , do n't let's push them out altogether .
29 Well if y you if if you go to a BUPA hospital you go pa you pay a sort of erm , you know , related type of
30 Oh yeah yeah I would imagine so but I w er maybe it 's maybe you become a member if you go to a few of their and they get to know your faces or something and then you apply but I do n't really know .
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