Example sentences of "if [pers pn] so [adj] as " in BNC.

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1 Runs back to her lair , if I so much as breathe about the past .
2 If I so much as see you in this section during the flight … ’
3 He said he knew what you were up to and I would lock the door against you if I so much as guessed the half of it .
4 If I so much as catch you smiling at another woman — ’
5 Scarlet felt foolish and rather jealous : she knew that if she so much as failed to pay a parking ticket , the full force of the law would be upon her like a ton of bricks .
6 She had the feeling he would swallow her whole if she so much as rippled the surface .
7 If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers .
8 A gift shop , a snack bar and a petrol station is not exactly a model , thriving Highland community , and the disquieting feeling that these places now exist only to empty the contents of your wallet if you so much as slow down is not a pleasant one .
9 ‘ You are coming home with me now , and if you so much as open that foul mouth of yours , I 'll beat you within an inch of your life . ’
10 So if you so much as look like you 're going soft on us I 'm gon na take you apart with my bare hands .
11 Next day , at the mum-and-toddler group , your gentle , chatty child turns into a little monster : she spitefully destroys another child 's sandcastle , throws a tantrum when she ca n't have the toy she wants , or screams in terror if you so much as walk across the room away from her .
12 " Adrian , " she said in a level voice that surprised her , " if you so much as lay one finger on me , I swear I 'll tear you to pieces .
13 If you so much as loosen your seatbelt or drop your ash or pick your nose , then it 's an Alcatraz autopsy with the questions asked later .
14 There will be no jam on your bread today if you so much as lay a finger — ’
15 If you so much as whisper a word about Dame Agatha to the Lady Maeve , you will regret the day I ever plucked you out of Newgate ! ’
16 If you so much as mention sitting ducks or fish in a barrel , ’ Lambert said acidly , ‘ I 'll kick your teeth in . ’
17 If you so much as lay a single finger on me again , Adam Burns , you 'll hit the deck so fast you wo n't know what 's happened to you ! ’ she swore softly , her tawny eyes gleaming as she gazed unseeing across the room .
18 Yet sometimes , like now , she wanted a neural-driven transmitter that would send a signal that would send Ace and Daak into painful paroxysms if they so much as thought of questioning her instructions .
19 And the soldiers muttered to one another as they limped and splashed back towards England that the black friars had not only sent the terror , but withdrawn it from them as soon as they turned back , and the devil their master could call it up again in an instant if they so much as looked over their shoulders .
20 The new Lady Woodleigh looked as if she might take her riding-crop to him if he so much as uttered another word .
21 But he had little reason yet to ask for a search warrant and Mr Simpson would go purple in the face and throw every legal book in his considerable library at him if he so much as tried .
22 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
23 If he so much as bruises a finger without good reason , I 'll come for you .
24 Two arkie surveys have produced almost nothing , and yet Mr Coombs — an elderly man — has been threatened with jail if he so much as uproots a tree in his own garden .
25 Not so tall and powerfully built that she felt as though she might break if he so much as touched her .
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