Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this Instruction .
2 I will inform the bank in writing if I wish to cancel this instruction , and I understand that if any direct debit which breaks the terms of this instruction , the bank will make a refund .
3 What if I wish to give small amounts regularly over a period ?
4 If I go to buy some fish , for instance , and it 's been irradiated , it wo n't smell .
5 I s I was still only down to sort of eleven stone , but if I get to like ten stone
6 Because er we 've done sort of I must Where did I write that if I 've lost that list , I suppose to keep Erm , Ron , tin and then you 've got hankies did n't you ?
7 What 's more , 'e 's callin' on me late tonight to find out if I 've 'ad another go and if I 've earned the quid . ’
8 Then I bought , yeah , I said I feel as if I 've gone deaf you know what I mean , cos there 's no
9 Ri Rita said Ken said it was a Porshe , but when I asked Ken he said he did n't say it was a Porshe , he says I would n't know a Porshe if I 've seen one and I says yeah , that 's what Dave said , ha , ha , ha , cos you said oh Ken do n't know one car from another and , and that 's what he said
10 I wonder if I 've seen one of those
11 Er , my experience is slightly different when erm when I had been trying to sort of recover , I did n't , I did n't feel as if I 've get any help from professionals that I approached .
12 I get myself and everything ready , then just before we leave I breastfeed and change Alice — even if I 've done this an hour before .
13 Ca n't remember if I 've read this one or not .
14 I said look Neil you can drive , but let's not let's not take it that I 'm saying that you must drive let's go into the question of why you 're making a mess of it at this time and we , oh honestly Brenda if I 've got black circles under my eyes do not be surprised because , of course , this all goes back to his absolutely , appallingly , stupid mother !
15 If I 've got four of something can I throw them away now ?
16 ‘ as if I 've got such important things to do tomorrow morning , ’ Jo grumbled through her giggles in her own voice .
17 Well first thing we do is we 'll if I 've got two two sergeants at the flats , I tell the occupant to go back to the flat , and wait for the two s two sergeants turning up .
18 Erm If I 've got sixty miles to do , and I do it at erm do it at sixty miles an hour , it takes me one hour .
19 Oh , if , if I have n't got , if I 've got glandular fever will you go get a blood test ?
20 Cos if I 've got that to throw around conference guests I think I 'll get a massive uptake .
21 I do n't know if I 've got that fortnight 's holiday pay to come or what .
22 I find I can do it much easier if I 've got one eye on the television .
23 if I , if I 've got limited cash
24 Now , what I do then , is , because I know this is going to happen , when I 'm planning my month , if I 've got some days towards the end of the month where I have no claimants whatsoever , I put the asterisks in there and that 's a catch up day .
25 Well let's see if I 've got some here .
26 If I 've got twenty five kids and you 've only got one yo , I need more than you !
27 but it 's also linked , I mean the other thing that I 've got at the back of my mind , is a kind of nightmare , is that when we were talking about the Festival around about March that you know , we spoke to Ingy er you know as a group and then that was all fine and we kept er going along and then , and then there was that sort of dreadful phone call I had from Linda along the lines as I 'm not sure if I 've got any describers
28 Yeah , I 'd have to try and er see if I 've got any of those bills anywhere , I know that that book 's upstairs cos erm , we did that cupboard out the other day and I found all the photographs all our old photographs in a box , but the box had fallen to bits , so
29 I 'll see if I c if I 've got any paper lying about the house .
30 Well I du n no , doubt if I 've got any even .
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