Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [vb past] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Well Mary said if I thought for a minute that she would stick at it , I would pay for her but
2 God knows I do n't want to rot here if I knew of a way out , surely that 's plain . ’
3 When I was sure he was alone , I followed him into the bank and while he queued I read a leaflet to see if I qualified for a home mortgage .
4 You know if I got in a
5 They offered not only to plant a tree in my name , if I applied for a policy , but also the choice of a free radio alarm clock or a telephone .
6 If I waited for a hundred years , if I devoted my life to fasting and asceticism and scholarship as the Druids do , still it would make no difference .
7 You make me decide to go on a diet immediately , though even if I starved for a month I 'd never get a waist as slim as yours . ’
8 I do n't think I 'd want it in the house , it might be confusing if I walked into a gloomy room with it
9 If I walked into a Catholic school they 'd all look at me funny and shout ‘ Proddy ! ’
10 I figured that if I asked for a transfer I 'd either get a rise or would be able to work out a better deal for myself if I went elsewhere .
11 If I went for a walk now , I would still be thinking about band things .
12 ‘ So then I had an idea that if I went to a composer who wrote very tuneful music , but asked him to work electronically rather than with instruments , I might end up with what I wanted , which was music the ear could relate to , rather than musique concrète which was the other sort of electronic music being done at the time .
13 Perhaps if we , if I went to a Sie Sierra it 'd perhaps be nice to get one when I can afford one with the power to match the the size .
14 So , if I went on a Parma list …
15 If I went into a club or something , I would notice other people 's clothes , and the label , even though I think it 's silly in a way , and I know they 'd notice mine .
16 I 'm one of those people who , if I went into a gym , could be making Schwarzenegger movies .
17 Always used to draw my truncheon if I went into a place where I thought there was a burglar but never actually used it to hit them .
18 Why , if I went into a kitchen , I would n't know how to light a stove ! ’
19 It 's not as if I worked for a large network news show .
20 But I think that 's the only thing were , if I worked in a benefit office I would n't get on very well , because if I saw something I 'd try and move heaven and earth to make everything to go right for me .
21 So gradually I am claiming my philosophical estate and already believe in myself ; it would n't even surprise me if I turned into a poet .
22 If I behaved in a similar fashion I would expect to lose my ‘ ticket ’ and be imprisoned for a considerable time .
23 If I stood on a street corner somewhere , someone could slip me a small packet in exchange for a fiver and in a few hours I 'd be slumped on the floor of a public toilet : a Drug Statistic .
24 If I started on a catalogue of what is going wrong with the world , let alone what we might do to put it right , there would be no end .
25 If Ah lived in a clapped-out city like this with inflation at two hundred per cent , or whatever it is , Ah 'd dae just about anythin' fur payment in solid US dollars . ’
26 Dr Greene would only permit Faye to be at home if she kept to a stricter schedule of bed-rest .
27 ‘ I was simply trying to find out if she came from a family that loved good literature . ’
28 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
29 For what it was worth I asked her if she knew of a Ewen Mackay who might once have lived at Otters ' Bay , but she shook her head
30 If she fell at a fence he could not avoid trampling her .
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