Example sentences of "if [pers pn] [verb] got a " in BNC.

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1 I would , if I 'd got a fast car and I 'd lost my dreams .
2 If I 'd got a seat on the back of my bicycle Amy could have gone on my bicycle .
3 ; What do I check if I 've got a new employee ?
4 When I sit down they billow up in front of me and I look as if I 've got a water melon under there .
5 I do n't think I do n't know if I 've got a master .
6 If I 've got a lot to do I ca n't actually take as much time as I 'd like over it .
7 If I 've got a routine I like to try and keep to it , otherwise I get very disorganized and upset .
8 I 'll see if I 've got a map around or can get a really cheap map and just put it up .
9 If I need to create a fancy-looking letter , I use Word , but if I 've got a lot of writing to do , then it 's into DOS-based Q&A .
10 If I 've got a gap in the workload I can go and
11 But now I feels as if I 've got a sh a name of a doctor
12 Erm let me just see if I 've got a I made a whole page of notes here du n no whether any of its important .
13 I know , I know if I 've got a towel in mine or a big thing and , and it 's all happens to be on one side
14 Oh yes if I 've got a skill to impart I do n't mind helping people .
15 If I 've got a couple of these blank , I can not finish on Friday night , I 'm going to have to do some overtime .
16 So if I 've got a customer that 's sending erm quite a lot of parcels but have got a
17 Yeah if I 've got a small amount of money
18 and then if I 've got a fiver I 'll have quarterpounder with cheese
19 Erm , I just went upstairs , to see if I 've got a blank tape , and I have n't got a blank tape .
20 See that 's the thing , if I wan na go and do my studying , I ca n't just go , I have to and , and dinner starts at erm , if I 've got a lecture , my lecture is sort of one o'clock .
21 The truth is , Ah suppose , if ye 've got a berg sailin' down on ye and ye 're trapped in the ice there 's no thickness of steel that will save ye from gettin' crushed .
22 Frankly , she looked as if she 'd got a few bundles of twelve-page letters stuffed up her woolly even now .
23 I meant to ask her if she 'd got a Vax machine because
24 It does n't matter if she 'd got a fire guard or not , but it still could easily get onto the
25 I ca n't think of anyone I 'd really like to speak to , except Marie of course , but I du n no if she 's got a phone in Scotland .
26 Yeah , if she 's got a young family , I mean , nine times out of ten it 's her that 's got to watch them rather than saying to the husband , oh I 'm off to play football dear !
27 ‘ I do n't care if she 's got a fucking cannon in there , ’ Farrell snapped , pulling back the slide on the UZI .
28 I try to work out if she 's got a period due or if she 's been having trouble with her mother .
29 Well I wonder if she 's got a hearing problem , she 'd never says she has .
30 Even if you 've got a darker complexion , or tan easily , you still need to be careful in the sun .
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