Example sentences of "if [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well if I refer you , Dave Girt , Leeds City , if I refer you madam to the first paragraph of R P G 2 which is strategic planning guidance for West Yorkshire .
2 If I gave you sort of X to the seventeen or something , well you could put two values in .
3 ‘ Oh , they usually do if I give them time . ’
4 It depends on how much you can do how much Simon can do on his own if I give him stuff to do .
5 If I give him money he goes and spends it If I lend him the bike he loses it He 's completely unreliable
6 If I give you money , will you go away ? ’
7 So , if someone tells us charity is wrong — he not only salves our conscience , but saves us money too .
8 It was Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell who first gave meaning to the expression ‘ If ye want me thungummy , ring me . ’
9 If she gives you authority to sign on .
10 If she gave him box office , Beatty gave her security .
11 She pointed to a high-backed wooden chair , adding , ‘ If she makes you sitting-room company she cuts your rations . ’
12 I await its summons , and as a preliminary response , end with two lines from Blake 's Milton : ‘ If you account it Wisdom when you are angry to be silent , and Not to shew it , I do not account that Wisdom , but Folly … ‘
13 Well I mean if you had it sort of darker , would n't it stain darker slightly ?
14 ‘ I ai n't quite observant of your meanin' , if you get me drift , ’ said Archie .
15 You can work it out and you know if you get it , even if you 're not sure of the original formula , if you get it upside down , you can look at it , this is no good .
16 But if you made it law that the breweries would lose their retail outlet and the publican and barman would lose their licences , you 'd soon find they make time and make staff check up to see if people were drunk .
17 Well I am I am I am quite sure that the person who 's actually if you appointed them treasurer has got the authority to be able to say , there was ten pounds difference , I 'm knocking it off the door and that 's it .
18 If you do it game after game you get rewards — there are no prizes in football for going asleep . ’
19 She was from that note if you have you sort of left it to her to organize the training ?
20 I want to stay here and live with Miss Honey and she says that I can but only if you give me permission !
21 If you give me leave , I will do it in a way that would not dishonour your forebears . ’
22 You ca n't do it ; but if you give me food and drink and a handkerchief to tie up my wound , I 'll tell you how to sail her . ’
23 If you give me food I shall eat it to keep alive .
24 Chloroform kills dogs , and if you give them digitalis it raises their blood pressure .
25 If you give them time and sufficient explanation and preparation , children can deal surprisingly well with crises in their lives .
26 I would if you gave me reason to be … like … like witholding information from me ! ’
27 Because if we feed them bullshit , they 'll think bullshit .
28 It is no use whatsoever introducing bait at irregular intervals , for the lesson we are trying to teach them will not sink in if we give them time to forget in between each baiting session .
29 But if we give you information , how do we know you wo n't distort it ? ’
30 So if we call it Centenary Sports Ground , the next thing that will be added to it is Brinkley , the Centenary Sports Ground , Brinkley , which is fine .
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