Example sentences of "their [noun pl] have been [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And if they do , will they feel their times has been well rewarded ?
2 The Prussian government 's minister of finance , Peter Beuth , had been forced to offer subsidy to encourage industry in the years 1818–45 , when it was realised that the kind of large-scale enterprise that Prussia would need to enter the international market was already beyond the pocket of most individuals , and beyond the imagination of the Junkers , who might have supplied finance if their estates had been more productive .
3 Domestication or controlled breeding of hitherto wild animals for their products has been commercially successful : witness such ventures as fur ranches for silver fox , mink , and chinchilla An unusual and profitable business in Thailand is exporting 2000 skins annually of a hybrid crocodile ( Crocoytus porosus X C. palustris ) .
4 But , he said , they should never be seduced into thinking their policies had been so effective that there was no risk of relapse .
5 Their ranks had been much augmented by the expansion of the salaried sector — managers , clerks , school teachers and civil servants .
6 Very few of the battalion returned home as their losses had been so heavy , and Joe told the family he was now in a holding battalion .
7 A year or so after Prince Harry 's birth , there occurred a rather uncomfortable interview with both Waleses in discussion with Sir Alastair Burnet ( in November 1985 ) , in which it appeared that their roles had been totally reversed : the Princess had become articulate , while the Prince appeared almost monosyllabic .
8 Their voices had been very low .
9 He would watch their puzzled , attentive faces while Nonni talked about clothes and the latest film she had seen , ‘ jollying them up a bit ’ , as she called it : she thought that because their lives had been man-less , they were therefore dull and sad .
10 Up to that time their lives had been appallingly difficult , given the savage treatment their fellow-Poles meted out to them .
11 Their lives had been so impoverished that even those elementary things had been taken from them .
12 By the time it came out , in any case , all their lives had been irrevocably altered by the progress of world events .
13 For the last six days , their lives have been completely disrupted .
14 This immediately limited the number of towns that could be planned , for most English towns have developed from villages , and their sites had been partly built on for centuries before they developed into towns .
15 He went on to say that it seemed prudent to classify all non-accidental injuries to young children as ‘ high risk ’ cases , since 80% of all children unlawfully killed by their parents had been previously abused .
16 Children are more likely to be politically interested and active if their parents have been similarly interested or active .
17 For instance , the day 's two leaders in theoretical physics are men of about 30 years , their ideas have been generally expounded by men about 50 years or older and one is certain many of these widely read expositions do not reveal the mentalities of the young creative thinkers .
18 It is valuable that their contributions have been so accurately recorded , both in Committee and on Report .
19 Their exploits have been greatly exaggerated by Burmese writers , but I do n't think British writers have adequately recognised the courage demanded to revolt , or possibly we have been jealous for the unswerving loyalty through defeat as well as victory of Karens , Kachins and Chins .
20 It 's just that until now , their efforts have been pretty much restricted to the dreary business of pointing out female ‘ sexism ’ .
21 Restoration by a small team led by Terry Sykes started in 1988 and looking at this dainty locomotive now in all her glory , their efforts have been well rewarded .
22 Their detentions had been widely criticized , and lawyers had threatened a boycott of the courts in support of demands by the Lagos High Court that the men be brought to court and that their trial be held in the city rather than in a remote location .
23 Indeed , one of the major arguments for the promotion of ‘ community care ’ over the past decades — its lower cost , compared with institutional and residential alternatives — has been sustainable precisely because the costs to carers and their families have been largely ignored .
24 Since then their names have been inextricably linked ( somewhat to Bawden 's detriment ) .
25 It 's believed their bodies had been there for some time .
26 It 's believed their bodies had been there for some time .
27 John Gerard grew them both , but their fates have been quite different and may well change again , with the weather .
28 Their comments have been so interesting and helpful in enabling me to arrive at a diet plan perfected for absolute maximum effect .
29 Their comments have been extremely helpful .
30 When , even with their minimal research and development funding , some renewables have looked promising enough to threaten the nuclear hegemony their prospects have been unceremoniously ditched .
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