Example sentences of "their [noun pl] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Their titles invoke the Situationists ' rhetorical use of long and rhapsodic titles .
2 The National Children 's Bureau 's parent education and support project identified a number of trends affecting parents in the 1980s ; for example , the pressure on parents as a result of our increasing knowledge of child development and society 's high expectations of the parental role ; the tendency for professionals to undermine parents ' self-confidence with their expertise ; the isolation felt by many parents with young children ; the need for information and knowledge , for social and practice skills , and for self-awareness and understanding of how their values affect the way in which they bring up their children ( Pugh and De'Ath , 1984 ) .
3 There was no term in their contracts entitling the employer to require that the employees move .
4 The Defence Ministry on Oct. 3 , 1989 , issued instructions requiring all those exporting military " intelligence " from Israel , including instruction and training , to provide proof that their operations had the approval of the government .
5 Their possessions dominated the roads leading north from Limoges to Poitou and Berry .
6 While their chauffeurs kept the engines running , the stunned bicheiros were handcuffed and paraded away in their silk suits to jail .
7 Yellow pages it might once have been , but no-one would let their fingers do the walking when it comes to mucking out , that 's still done at arms length .
8 Although all firms that go into IVAs are automatically referred to the Institute 's Investigation Committee , the Committee 's policy is that it will adjourn consideration of their cases to give the arrangements time to work , unless there is evidence of fraud , falsehood or gross recklessness .
9 Their discussions included the merger of the Falange and the Traditionalist movement and they went so far as to commission a draft document outlining the project .
10 Their sketches show the castle fully formed , with seven towers and high battlements , the stone appearing slightly worn and aged .
11 Most professionals , however , did not have the market value nor did their clubs have the resources to behave like this .
12 Yet there is evidence ( for example in the numerous letters written to women 's magazines on educational matters ) that they believe themselves to have spent their school-days sitting at their desks reciting the multiplication tables and learning how to parse sentences in the English language .
13 Evidently , when data is processed by the current system , candidate words must also be replaced by their indices to unify the representations .
14 Beginning to think about how their reactions affect the child can be an important step .
15 They went through , moving slowly , cautiously , side by side , using their lamps to light the way ahead of them .
16 Threats by angry complainants and their solicitors to stop the presses with eleventh-hour injunctions are largely bluff .
17 Here the ghyll valleys with their woods reach the cliff edge .
18 Each and every June , the world 's top amateur cyclists get on their bikes to pedal the roads , lanes , hills and mountains of Britain .
19 COUNCIL employees in Middlesbrough have got on their bikes to prove the authority 's Green credentials .
20 The embalmers had used all their skills to repair the body .
21 Stonemason , Oliver Webb is one of the team using their skills to renew the building .
22 Som would kill the unborn child or children of women and som ript open their bellys to take the child as offering .
23 For the same reason , civil servants above a certain level can not take an overt or active part in politics in case it could be said that their opinions influenced the minister .
24 When the first giraffes began to stretch their necks to reach the leaves of trees , they were choosing a new habit that would guide the future development of their species over a vast period of time .
25 Representatives of the Darlington Farmers Auction Mart have met the borough council to finalise conditions on their plans to move the market from Clifton Road to Holdforth Grange in Hurworth .
26 However , perhaps Dowling and his NZRFU men were taking a sensible step when the included Mains in their plans to improve the media relations of the All Blacks , something which hit bottom during the recent World Cup — and they had not been exactly healthy before that .
27 DARLINGTON health officials have drawn up a smart new logo as part of their plans to revamp the service 's image .
28 He claimed that their plans to dump the roubles back into the Soviet money supply had been forestalled , a matter of hours before it was due to begin , only by his quick decision to order the immediate withdrawal of the high-denomination rouble notes .
29 Latterly , he had advised the Trust on their plans to alter the valve events , with revised profiles for the exhaust cams .
30 Whoever wins , their plans to boost the economy will face political obstacles and will not have an instant effect .
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