Example sentences of "their [adj] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 Under section 18(1) of the Act a patient who absented himself from hospital without leave could be taken into custody and returned to the hospital ; and the police had all their usual powers for the purpose ( s.137(2) ) including power , under section 17(1) ( d ) of PACE to enter and search premises for recapturing a person unlawfully at large .
2 A club spokesman has responded to criticism that some season ticket holders will not get their usual seats for the Rumbelows League Cup semi-final first leg against Manchester United .
3 In 1896 the ‘ Ratepayers and Inhabitants in Parish Meeting assembled [ resolved to ] hereby accord the Rev R. Burdon their grateful thanks for the very great interest he continues to show in the Parish … and hereby express their ernest ( sic ) and unanimous wish that his health might very speedily be restored and his life be prolonged for many years . ’
4 Even if we tabulate only those time-words and their associated tempos for the movements where there is unequivocal evidence for such tempos , in H400D and the two Strasbourg motets that is without relying on those movements calculated by reference to tempo relationships we see a remarkable degree of unanimity .
5 Scholtz Research And Development , the people behind Rockman amplifiers and effects , have appointed P&R Global Services as their sole distributors for the UK .
6 Lucker returns from town , having made a whole tribe of redneck friends who for once put away their normal prejudices for the sake of broadening their knowledge .
7 Up to 15 of the 40 companies affected may not be able to function from their normal premises for the foreseeable future .
8 Comparative evidence from better-documented periods indicates that at times of monetary reform transitional arrangements were made to enable people to exchange their old coins for the new ones .
9 Smith 's organisation has run their commercial activities for the past six years .
10 All around her men 's eyes are avidly forsaking their embarrassed girlfriends for the fantasy they have paid the go-go dancer to concoct of herself ; the room contains a crowd of men united in desire and fear of possession of women who are separated from each other by bars .
11 The notion that the Japanese are a nation of workaholics who are willing to sacrifice their personal lives for the good of their company has become a popular image .
12 Groups of morris dancers from as far afield as the Cotswolds and the Borders took to the streets in their colourful costumes for the festival procession through the town centre .
13 R. G. Wallace and Kevin Jeffereys have disagreed about the relative responsibilities of politicians — R. A. Butler and J. Chuter Ede — and their civil servants for the reforming intentions of the Act .
14 In the Sixties , their chosen models for the urban Britain of the future were American .
15 As for the other Britons , Niall MacKenzie — who has loads of experience in this sphere — would appear to be the best , but the North West 200 promoters will be looking for a good result from Kevin Mitchell who is one of their key men for the May meeting at Portstewart .
16 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
17 Instead of prolonging the dogfight with West Germany 's Telefunken over their rival bids for the radar contract for the European Fighter Aircraft , the two hi-tech defence manufacturers have decided to do the really European thing and co-operate ; Ferranti would use the Telefunken data-processor in its ECR-90 radar .
18 The Health Alliance for Democracy ( HEAD ) openly questions the implications of national issues such as land reform and the presence of the US bases and their nuclear weapons for the health of Filipinos .
19 All the teams gathered in trepidation at the college to receive their respective challenges for the day .
20 ‘ Fiona of Burnham ’ and ‘ Morning All ’ both headed their respective classes for the second time , while the Contessa 32 ‘ Space ’ ( R Brooking and P Trudgett , HPYC ) could feel extremely satisfied with a second and a third to show for her weekend efforts .
21 Further to the question from my right hon. Friend the Member for Birmingham , Sparkbrook ( Mr. Hattersley ) , and given the obvious confusion among Ministers about the implications of their electoral promises for the future level of value added tax , can the Leader of the House conjure up the actual figure for value added tax when his Government came to office in June 1979 , and the level now as they go out of office ?
22 BRAZIL gently teased Holland 's irregulars in the rains of Rotterdam last night without feeling the need to reveal the full range of their attacking talents for the benefit of prying eyes from Scotland and England .
23 I have heard many other definitions ( not all of them polite ) , but most people agree that advancement of some sort features in their long-term plans for the future .
24 Six weeks later a great demonstration in the Royal Albert Hall demanded the establishment of a Merchant Seamen 's League to put the boycott into effect and " to assist them in maintaining their benevolent institutions for the aged and infirm " A short time ago , he declared in 1918 , he had received a document from four leading German trade unionists attempting to justify the U-boat campaign by arguing that " only a campaign of frightfulness against the British and neutral vessels trading to ports in the United Kingdom and the starving of the people of the British Isles would bring the war to a speedy close " .
25 Australia have named their big guns for the Hong Kong Sevens , including World Cup-winning centre combination Tim Horan and Jason Little and three of their Italian-based players , David Campese , Michael Lynagh and Tim Gavin .
26 Wherein their Superior Effects for the cure of gun-shot wounds … ‘ , but in those years it was still an uncouth place , better fitted to receive the injured soldiery than sickly , comfort-loving bourgeois .
27 The event has been set up by Darlington Environmental Watch who want the representatives of the three major parties to answer hard-hitting questions about their green plans for the town .
28 Partridge Fine Arts Plc have released their financial results for the year to 31 October 1992 .
29 He and James Frawley had been their virtual creators for the television network and they had seen some excruciatingly successful years .
30 Yet such is the burden of bad debts that their final results for the fiscal year to March , which have just been announced , are dismal .
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