Example sentences of "their [noun] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly all felt their experience at the hospitals , to which they were initially referred , to be stigmatizing and degrading .
2 Klaus Töpfer , the federal environment minister , has capitalised on his country 's environmental angst by devising a bold principle : that companies should have a legal obligation to take back — and to recycle — their products at the ends of their lives .
3 Members of the Darlington Association on Disability expressed concern about how members were to reach their headquarters at the Friends ' Meeting House in Skinnergate .
4 They are Alexander the Great ; the Silver Shields ( a Macedonian corps d'élite of the early hellenistic period ) ; and the Spartans up to the date of their defeat at the hands of the Thebans at Leuktra in 371 .
5 Many Arabs , including many who are nominally members of the anti-Saddam coalition , can not conceal their glee at the attacks on Israel .
6 The extension of the franchise to all adults created a situation in which political parties had to compete for the mass vote and so had to organise the electorate to support their candidates at the polls .
7 Even many voters who dislike and fear the Labour Party are tempted to register their disgust at the Tories ' failures by voting Liberal Democrat .
8 They 're sure to have the time of their lives at the Pirates Club or Club 16 , enjoying hours of fun with newfound friends and leaving you with new-found freedom .
9 But at the same time last year 42 people had lost their lives at the hands of the roaming death squads .
10 Perhaps it is a sort of demoralisation , not surprising considering the misfortunes which have wracked the East Asian communities now in Britain — first their years of suffering associated with their expulsion from Africa , then their experiences at the hands of racist British authorities who tried to keep them out of Britain , and finally the day-to-day racism which they have faced in Britain as refugees .
11 Too many people have been upset by their experiences at the hands of a hairdresser . ’
12 Although they registered their disapproval at the MPs ' vote with the Government , the council group leader , Richard Lyle , said : ‘ Alex Salmond has the clear backing of the Motherwell SNP council group as does the SNP parliamentary group .
13 The court was told that all three were now grown up , with the girls 27 and 31 , and had only just revealed their ordeal at the hands of their stepfather .
14 There are already two vacancies on the Glenavon board with the former chairman and long-serving George Fleming losing their seats at the shareholders AGM last week .
15 Wealthy families would while away their days at the baths being massaged with aromatic oils by the unfortunate eunuch slave whose sole function in life was to knead and pummel his master .
16 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
17 It is not only the soldiers who express in East German television programmes their outrage at the revelations of corruption of former political leaders .
18 Two men in their late teens or early twenties came into the office and pointed their guns at the cashiers face .
19 They looked at the passports and then started to walk down the aisle , pointing their guns at the passengers .
20 Instead he stumbles on America , setting up a colony of fornicating drunks who deservedly get their come-uppance at the hands of the Indians they mistreat in the name of Christianity .
21 Calero gave their motto at the hearings , quoting Benjamin Franklin :
22 Reasonably enough , newly elected or re-elected presidents interpret their success at the polls as a mandate to move the country in new directions .
23 Members now believe that their success at the polls depends , ultimately , almost entirely on their own efforts .
24 The answer is Yes , for three reasons above all others : their cost , the speed of innovation , and their significance at the edges of life .
25 Many Japanese identified with Germany and Italy in their resentment at the privileges of older established powers .
26 More than 200 people attended the celebration of Romsey Branch 's 21st Anniversary , held by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Trevor Harris in their garden at The Frenchies on Sunday 19 June .
27 It is only when one has haunted the markets of France and the food shops in the country towns and villages , watched the housewives doing their shopping , listened to them discussing their purchases at the pâtisseries and the charcuteries that one realizes how much less they are tied to their kitchens than we had always been led to suppose .
28 That 's why they want to reassure them of their treatment at the Police station .
29 It is exactly the equality before the law , which Ms Pith-Helmet invests with so much trust , that has betrayed blacks and Asians in the courts , in their treatment at the hands of vicious and prejudiced police ( that has resulted in the death of 10 blacks at the hands of police during the course of arrest and interrogation in the last 15 years ) , that allows black and Asian homes to be terrorised by racist thugs who can sprinkle liberally their British hospitality in the form of firebombs , beatings , excrement dumped on doors , and children bullied to the point of suicide and madness .
30 Other writers also complained of their treatment at the hands of benefactors , even when this had nothing to do with dedications .
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