Example sentences of "can only [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It must be emphasised that this legal position , whereby the company is exempted from certain rules of the host state , can only arise in a case in which services are provided without a place of business being established in the host state .
2 Breathless , she straightened up and said fiercely , ‘ You can only stay for a minute and then you must promise to go . ’
3 Laboratory experiments can only last for a relatively short time , and have to be held within the confines of the laboratory .
4 According to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle this ‘ virtual ’ photon can only exist for a time .
5 The engine stopped and for a moment there was the silence that can only exist in a forest .
6 This spirit can only travel in a straight line , so when it slides down the roof in the hope of gaining entry to a house , it will be swept up in the air again by the curving gable .
7 For the foreseeable future , units involving the microcomputer as a teaching aid can only contribute to a very small proportion of curriculum time — at present certainly no more than a few hundred hours out of about 50,000 hours of ‘ different ’ teaching in the school curriculum for ages 5 to 18 .
8 An affix is a grammatical element , belonging to a closed set , which can only function as a component of a word : dis — , un — , — ment , — ise , — ed , — s are all affixes .
9 Like the absence of useful maritime peripheries , however , they can only serve as a secondary reinforcement of pre-existing leanings to political centralism .
10 The decomposition of observed unemployment rates into their classical and Keynesian parts can only serve as a first step in the formulation of macroeconomic policy since such an exercise must take place within a broader framework which encompasses concepts such as short- and long-run Phillips curves , the natural unemployment rate , and NAIRU .
11 I 'll stay an hour , you look as if you can only move at a crawl . ’
12 Use of the explanatory framework provided by his ‘ indefinite ’ science , together with the application of the resolutio-compositive method to particular observed phenomena , can only result in a hypothesis about its unobserved generative causes .
13 Butler thus agrees with BRS to the extent that both cases see the battle of the forms as an exchange of counter-offers , which can only result in a contract when one side makes an unconditional acceptance , either intentionally , or in error .
14 Each driving the other towards the kind of frustration which you can only feel for a family member .
15 ‘ In all my years of motor racing , I can only think of a couple of times when I mastered the machine as at the Nürburgring in 1968 .
16 The finance director of one of the companies says he believes that the productivity increases attributable to IT are coming to an end : ‘ Auditors are getting more productive — but it can only go to a certain level . ’
17 It is , however , possible to respect the limitations without totally abandoning the idea of a holiday altogether , or deciding that you can only go with a friend ( which could be disastrous ) .
18 The association between leanness and fertility has been extensively explored by Frisch , who has suggested that menstruation and ovulatory cycles can only start above a certain threshold ratio of lean body mass to fat mass .
19 The beam of electrons can only pass through a vacuum so the specimen(s) must be dry and therefore not alive .
20 Now Rebecca 's family can only hope for a suitable kidney from an accident victim .
21 What else is his Eucharist but , at a higher level , an endless act of fruitful out-pouring of his whole flesh , such as a man can only achieve for a moment with a limited organ of his body ?
22 Alter all , the swarm can only cover about a metre of ground every three minutes .
23 This can only lead to a partial picture where lenders try to succeed within their own parameters , without all the facts on the likely borrower .
24 ‘ Halliwell said that these sexual experiments can only lead to a dead end .
25 Each outer cave or vault can only entered through a small version of the iris-like Vadinamian Valve .
26 A body corporate may be a member of the committee ( r 6.150(3) ) but it can only act through a representative duly authorised in accordance with r 6.156 .
27 The general practitioner can only act as a , necessary , mediator between layman and specialist by cultivating that trust to a degree which makes paternalism unavoidable .
28 Overburdened by commitments elsewhere , Unesco can only act as a clearing house for independently sponsored initiatives .
29 ‘ Brochures can only act as a taster , that may also turn you off , ’ said .
30 HIV is a very weak virus and can only survive for a very short time when it is exposed to air outside the human body .
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