Example sentences of "can not [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , there is a concern to explain to the Community that if there are to be compensations , we can not create a whole new system of compensatory payments which will last for ever at a price which will never be able to be paid .
2 Clearly , we can not create a competitive market of ideas in crime investigation .
3 Some films have to be shot on location : you can not create a moving ‘ face ’ out of several thousand people for a British Airways commercial in any other way .
4 The works in a collection like New Hall 's while they engage with some of these issues about women 's lack and absence from history , at the same time abrogate the very claim that women have not and can not command a semantic field which expresses their own meanings and tells their own stories .
5 For a long time the standard has been stuck at 300 dots per inch — the eye can not resolve a single do smaller than this , or so the theory goes — but we are now beginning to see 400dpi , 600dpi and 800dpi printers .
6 Outgoing FAXES are produced in much better quality than normal FAX machines as there is no ‘ scanning ’ of the original document — the only disadvantage is that you can not send an existing document , unless it has been previously sent to you , or you key it into Word processing or Desk Top Publishing .
7 Britain can not match the French achievement and in some subjects the number of people undergoing vocational training has declined .
8 Petrol engines also now need fuel injection , as well as electronic engine management systems and expensive catalytic converters to meet exhaust regulations , and even then they can not match the lean-burn diesel for most emissions .
9 Expert systems can not perform the full range of reasoning strategies handled by the human brain and therefore do not replace human experts rather they are complementary to human expertise .
10 In 58 ‘ your slave ’ , ‘ your vassal ’ is ready to swallow any insult or neglect , the poem concluding : The second-person pronouns come so thick and fast here that we can not miss the bitter criticism of the Friend setting himself up as a law unto himself , becoming so entirely obsessed with his own pleasures that he betrays their relationship .
11 So at this point expectations of inflation are correct , and given those expectations the government can not achieve a higher iso-vote line .
12 Schools can not achieve a major change on this and the ‘ basics ’ unaided by the rest of us .
13 Nor does it mean that failure to achieve total abstinence from all potentially mood-altering substances and behaviours means that one can not achieve a considerable measure of recovery .
14 And the ensuing battle , of which all Christians are aware in their experience , means either that they can not achieve the good intentions they have or , if the Greek is taken in another sense , that the presence of the mighty Spirit prevents them doing what , if they followed the dictates of mere self-will , they otherwise would ( Gal.5:17 ) .
15 Selecting a value for γ 1 can not achieve the same result because such a policy leaves the distinction between an aggregate and a relative demand shock no less important than before : a positive relative demand shock will raise current prices above expected future ones ; a positive aggregate demand shock will not .
16 It follows that LTP can not achieve the maximum strength of which a synapse is capable : the potential for a further short-term increase is always held in reserve .
17 I can not applaud the rosy vision of a senior colleague whose spirited defence of grading ( and rejection of profiles ) climaxed as follows :
18 In most organisations , top down authority goes hand-in-hand with departmentalisation and the division of work , so that a senior manager in department A can not tell a junior manager in department B what to do , because his authority does not cross department or sectional boundaries .
19 I can not tell the hon. Gentleman now what my attitude will be at the end of a meeting that is due to take place on Wednesday because the whole purpose of that meeting is for negotiations to take place .
20 If you find that you can not hold a normal conversation after exercising , then you are overdoing it .
21 They have repeatedly cut benefits for the disabled by abolishing industrial injury benefit , by abolishing disablement benefit for seven out of eight disabled people and by abolishing the reduced earnings allowance for disabled people who can not earn a full wage .
22 But even Close can not answer the crucial question .
23 Efforts will continue to be made to set free Brightness as well as all the other whales and dolphins condemned to a life in which they can not experience the mental stimulation that only the challenges and joys of life in the open ocean can provide .
24 Perhaps it is because , though we can consciously trace the outline of the fear , it 68 CREATIVE WRITING reaches so far into the hidden recesses of our minds that we can not control the involuntary response .
25 He fears that his libidinal impulses and those of other people can not control the aggressive impulses sufficiently to prevent utter chaos and destruction .
26 They can not control the detailed processes .
27 Many of these anxieties arise because women do not understand and can not control the physical changes which they experience at this time .
28 Among Tory supporters 48pc believed the Prime Minister can not remain a credible leader while 45pc thought he could .
29 It can not remain a secret much longer , in any case . ’
30 Despite the all the cutbacks that so clearly indicate that IBM Corp now acknowledges that the mainframe can not remain a dominant part of its business for much longer , the company does have new models up its sleeve for early next year — February is thought likely , our US associate Technology News of America hears .
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