Example sentences of "can be made to the " in BNC.

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1 Donations can be made to the Dolphin Research Project c/o Windsor Safari Park , Windsor , Berkshire SL4 4AY .
2 The formal procedures of the House have not , so far , had to be changed following the introduction of television , and the Procedure Committee has taken the view that , unless a powerful case can be made to the contrary , it is not for the House to adapt to televising .
3 Having done all this , final adjustments can be made to the downhaul and outhaul to ensure that the sail has a good aerofoil shape .
4 One of these is a LC oscilloscope developed by Scopex Instruments in conjunction with the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment ( RSRE ) , An oscilloscope needs only display waves — single-valued functions — so drastic simplifications can be made to the addressing .
5 In cases where the original credit holder has died without claiming repayment and the Post War Credit certificate is still available , repayment can be made to the next of kin or personal representative of the estate .
6 Micro Focus has defined Application Programming Interfaces between Dialogue System and the initialling Cobol program to separate the detail of the user interface from the underlying business application logic so that changes can be made to the user interface without impacting the Cobol program , making possible multiple user interfaces to the same application .
7 There are two types of response which can be made to the failure of company law to legitimate corporate managerial power .
8 Descent : Abseil down the mainland face , one full 165ft ( 50m ) abseil can be made to the plinth if taken from the pegs and slings placed on a ledge just below the summit .
9 One response which can be made to the gap which exists between the world in which Christianity came into being and the present world is to allow what is to be held to be essentially normative for the religion to reside in the past .
10 To avoid the necessity for the provision of a special supply of unsoftened water , an addition of magnesium sulphate can be made to the soft supply , and this gives the desired stability .
11 If there is no individual or identifiable victim , reparation can be made to the community as a whole by performing community service or paying a fine into public funds .
12 Reference can be made to the decision of the House of Lords in Watson v. Fram Reinforced Concrete Co . ( Scotland ) Ltd. , 1960 S.C . ( H.L. ) 92 .
13 As the law and accounting standards currently require for companies , any systematic charge can be made to the income statement .
14 It would describe , sector by sector , the pressures that economic activities exert — but also the positive contribution that can be made to the environment as a consequence of advances in those sectors and of the economic growth they produce .
15 When the space–time curvature is small , a linear approximation can be made to the metric where is the Minkowski metric and all the components are very much less than unity .
16 A linear approximation can be made to the metric in these circumstances .
17 There are numerous improvements that can be made to the system .
18 Therefore , I respectfully suggest to the Solicitor-General that a clear and simple change can be made to the law which would protect those who are not the parties to a trial — third parties outside a trial .
19 Reference can be made to the CFM for guidance on the terms of engagement that may be appropriate to particular types of engagement in the context of the reports involved .
20 If necessary , adjustments can be made to the grant for the current year .
21 Some are commissioned but suggestions can be made to the Commentary Editor in the form of one-page synopsis .
22 Indeed , they are able to predict the zero-density frequency to a precision of 4 x 10 -14 ; from the present data , and they outline several improvements that can be made to the present apparatus , which already has a stability better than many primary caesium standards .
23 The following table represents the valid changes that can be made to the Mark character ;
24 This will advise the user of ways to overcome the problem arising before an amendment can be made to the LIFESPAN package , comment on the suggested changes , and may indicate timescales for corrections to the problem .
25 Application can be made to the local planning authority ( either as part of an application for planning permission or as a separate application ) for a ‘ determination ’ as to whether a proposed operation constitutes development and , if so , as to whether planning permission is required .
26 1.33 Similarly , even before proceedings are commenced application can be made to the court under s33(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 or s52(1) of the County Courts Act 1984 for an order for the inspection , photographing , custody or detention of property or for the taking of samples .
27 An application can be made to the court to obtain a ruling by issuing an originating summons under RSC Ord 7 , seeking a declaration in the terms of the meaning desired .
28 This is something which will be subject to negotiation with the landlord and an appropriate amendment can be made to the guarantor 's covenants or a proviso added .
29 If an unreasonable time has elapsed and the husband refuses or fails to execute the conveyance or transfer , application can be made to the court ( see Chapter 8 ) .
30 There are many adjustments that can be made to the interests of the husband and wife in the matrimonial home .
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