Example sentences of "can be seen [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It consisted of a line of timber post-built ‘ halls ’ and numerous sunken-floored buildings ; there is no formal plan and little can be seen of streets or boundaries .
2 Glastonbury Tor , with the ruined tower of St Michael 's church , can be seen for miles around .
3 This place can be seen for miles in daylight . ’
4 In addition to earthworks , field names often indicate parks , and sometimes curvilinear field boundaries can be seen on maps and air pictures .
5 Food and Drink can be seen on Tuesdays at 8.30pm on BBC2
6 Both these methods leave very characteristic helical seams which can be seen on examples of wires made by the two methods in Figure 8.6a and b , taken from genuine antiquities .
7 The completed portraits now hang in the Quaderia dell'Ospedale Maggiore , and can be seen on occasions , for just a few weeks every other year as a rule .
8 The Kennet and Avon Canal Trust preserves the engines , which can be seen on Sundays and are occasionally in steam .
9 Patients can be seen at times of their choosing by nursing staff , which may be early morning before school or work , late evening or at weekends .
10 It can be seen at Citizens Advice Bureaux , or at funeral directors who are members of the Association .
11 To summarise , all the three models of management can be seen as metaphors to avoid the realities of-real relationships with other employees but , perhaps most important of all , as social fictions to mask what we then called ‘ social depression ’ .
12 A number of student ‘ tides ’ were underway which can be seen as forms of adaptive behaviour or strategies for improving their social position , either temporarily or on a more permanent basis .
13 Many norms can be seen as reflections of values .
14 Thus the various parts of the superstructure can be seen as instruments of ruling class domination and as mechanisms for the oppression of the subject class .
15 As illustrations , therefore , teaching materials can be seen as stimulants of enquiry calling for appraisal as a prerequisite for application ; as prescriptions , they call for application without the requirement of appraisal , and so constrain the users into conformity .
16 Fan letters , fanzines and the many SF conventions around the world can be seen as responses to such experiences of reading SF .
17 Yet in some areas still , their skills are not appreciated ; they can be seen as trouble-makers who regard doctor as fellow colleagues instead of seeing them as bosses who are there to give orders .
18 These changes can be seen as elements of a programme intended to open up more aspects of public sector provision to the market and to undermine the powers of state bureaucracy , particularly as highlighted by exponents of ‘ public choice theory ’ .
19 A large percentage of nursing consists of actions which , when analysed , can be seen as skills .
20 Profiles of Development and other material based on the same principles can be seen as redefinitions of the National Curriculum .
21 In Glasser 's book , and in Fraser 's , the activities of the poor can be seen as activities which had been performed , and written about , in the past : but these are books which intimate that the lists and specifications of a caring naturalism — features by which they have indeed been influenced — were never exhaustive : that the truth-tellers did not tell it , and that the omissions were systematic .
22 A variety of norms can be seen as expressions of a single value .
23 Therefore the variety of norms concerned with the health and safety of members of society can be seen as expressions of the value placed on human life .
24 Beliefs which state that systems of social stratification are based on biological inequalities can be seen as rationalizations for those systems .
25 These stages can be seen as centres of psychic concentration , phases of emphasis that , in ‘ normal ’ development , are passed through as we progress to being mature , integrated people .
26 They may be seen as clauses of allographs , as phonemes can be seen as classes of allophones .
27 The character or reputation a person has amongst his fellows is partly a product of his own efforts at self-presentation , partly an ascription to him by others on the basis of their readings of his life performances , partly in situations which can be seen as occasions of hazard .
28 The 3rd Marquess of Bute together with his renowned architect William Burges transformed the castle into the marvellous place which can be seen by visitors today .
29 He says that if anything happens like an attack , it can be seen by police .
30 These subtler bodies , variously named etheric , astral and so on , can be seen by sensitives as an aura around the physical body .
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