Example sentences of "can be [verb] as an " in BNC.

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1 Certainly where the manufacturer prints advice as to shelf life on the product , this can be analysed as an express term incorporating durability .
2 On another level , the building can be seen as an ark bearing its precious human cargo through a decidely rough sea of bad urban planning and even worse architecture .
3 If Uppark is stabilised and retained as a ruin , as it should be , the basic structure can be seen as an education itself .
4 Throughout the greater part of the nineteenth century , most people were averse to official intervention in social and family affairs and the Victorian age can be seen as an era in which individualism was the leading social ethic .
5 Gordon Phillips has stressed the way in which this objective , and the General Strike , can be seen as an ‘ expiation of 1921 ’ .
6 Sir , Mrs Dinwiddie ( Letters , July 19 ) raises the valid point that the premium for organic food can be seen as an environmental subsidy .
7 Accordingly , ‘ The Month of August ’ can be seen as an early poetic response to the enclosure movement .
8 In a new collection of his photographs — My Lithuania — from publishers Thames and Hudson ( £24.00 ) , he certainly admits to literary pretensions as a young man and his photographs can be seen as an attempt to capture the lives of fellow Lithuanians in the detail which only words can usually portray .
9 Hooliganism on the terraces can be seen as an organised resistance to such changes .
10 The book can be seen as an attempt by Scott to assert himself as leading expert on Gothic Revival secular buildings , perhaps having felt that during the great church-building period of the 1840s and 1850s his work was overshadowed by that of other architects , particularly Pugin and Street .
11 Later on we shall be suggesting that some CONFLICTS in marriage can be seen as an attempt to put right experiences which have gone wrong in the past .
12 The search for love and the in-love state can be seen as an attempt to recreate the harmonious whole .
13 The whole character of faith is that it does not rest on itself , nor on what can be seen as an extension of itself , but on what is quite other than itself , by which its own emptiness is filled .
14 Before leaving the topic of longitudinal studies , it is worth pointing out that the Census can be seen as an example .
15 In some ways Perrett 's findings can be seen as an extension of the results on prestriate cortex in that higher order properties of objects are being encoded , using information from representations of lower order properties .
16 I Nevertheless , although shedding much of the metaphysical or religious foundations of traditional conservative thought , Oakeshott 's work can be seen as an attempt to portray a systematic and authentic account of conservative political thought in the contemporary world .
17 This homage to the past can be seen as an expression of respect for the artist 's original intent , for his ambition to prolong his existence through a work created according to artistic rules , with chosen techniques and materials .
18 From the point of view of standardization theory , this backward projection of Wyld 's ‘ Received Standard ’ on to earlier states can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard ( literary ) language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical ( 'genuine' ) forms are established and from which unorthodox ( 'non-genuine' or ‘ corrupt ’ ) forms are rejected .
19 As for the fieldworker 's position vis-à-vis informants , our concern is to account for this ( this can be seen as an extension of the notion of accountability to the data into the fieldwork phase ) and to use it as part of our method of data classification .
20 This unidimensionality is imposed on history by a backward projection of present-day standard phonology on to the past , and according to the theory of language standardization that we have tentatively advanced elsewhere ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) , it can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical forms are argued for and unorthodox forms rejected .
21 This attitude to [ h ] -dropping is , of course , symptomatic of a more general attitude to non-standard English , and it can be seen as an effect of the ‘ standard ideology ’ .
22 Miltiades ' last operation ( in 489 ) against the island of Paros , in the Cyclades , can be seen as an attempt to move on to the offensive against Persia after the defensive stand at Marathon .
23 The forfeiture of the literary proceeds can be seen as an application of the maxim that an offender should not benefit from his crime , the application of which has , for example , prevented murderers from collecting the proceeds of insurance for the victim 's death or from inheriting under a will .
24 As such , care programming can be seen as an attempt to standardize mental health service delivery and to set norms for the administration of care for people with a certain level of dependency .
25 From the point of view of a science of politics classification can be seen as an elementary form of theory construction which involves the kind of generalization required in order to assign phenomena to particular classes .
26 The Renaissance then can be seen as an addition to the early modern period .
27 The prices that different social groups are able to afford for land can be seen as an equivalent to natural species competing for space .
28 There is a real element of truth in it if we conclude , as I think we must , that in those who have failed to come to terms with the demands of a civilized existence any representative of that existence can be seen as an incitement to protest , especially if , as in the case of the police , that representative has only too obvious a. resemblance to the forbidding father of early childhood with whom the individual has not come to terms because of chronic irresolution of the Oedipal dilemma .
29 As such , it can be seen as an adaptive defence response to adverse conditions .
30 In this subject the stomach is crescent shaped and the pylorus can be seen as an incisure at its distal end ( arrowed ) .
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