Example sentences of "can be [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 The package can be tailored for a variety of databases and applications and comes with variety of tools and libraries including Oracle , Sybase , Informix , Ingres , Oracle Financials , software distribution , security , batch management , back-up management and help desk management .
2 The package can be tailored for a variety of databases and applications and comes with variety of tools and libraries including Oracle , Sybase , Informix , Ingres , Oracle Financials , software distribution , security , batch management , backup management and help desk management .
3 Give the winners of the games a black spot which can be exchanged for a present or a can of coke .
4 By then hundreds of customer-nominated staff , lucky enough to have won in a quarterly draw , will have been presented with Ovations cheques which can be exchanged for a wide range of goods in a special catalogue .
5 The voucher can be exchanged for a ticket to a rally of their choosing .
6 The advantage of single records is that they can be stored in CKD format — with separate keys — and the track can be scanned for a particular record without having to read unwanted records into main storage .
7 Heavy drinking can be mistaken for a symptom of depression , rather than its cause .
8 One hole can often look much like the next , and a newly dug or outlying sett can be mistaken for a fox 's earth .
9 If there are likely to be any problems in complying with these time limits the court can be asked for an extension ( FPCR , r14(2) ( b ) and 14(6) ; FPR , r4.14(2) ( b ) and 4.14(4) ) .
10 If this can be done for an amorphous sample and a corresponding sample which is highly crystalline , a relative measure of crystallinity for other samples of the same polymer can be obtained .
11 The response will give particulars of the expert and the APIL member(s) who put them on to the database and who can be contacted for a more personal recommendation .
12 However , as I am conscious of the strong feeling that the hon. Lady has registered on behalf of her constituents , I assure her that before a plant can be registered for an incinerator it must comply with the emissions standards enforced by Her Majesty 's industrial pollution inspectorate .
13 They must provide cover for absent colleagues for up to three days , though this can be extended for a teacher whose classroom teaching duties occupy less than three-quarters of his or her working week , or where it is not ‘ reasonably practical ’ for a supply teacher to be found to replace the absent colleague .
14 We all know how difficult it can be to arrange for a contractor to carry out repairs to our home .
15 The Minister may say that the trusteeship can be renewed for a further five years , but I see no reason why he has resisted the expert opinion of the trustees and directors of the museums .
16 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
17 This is where the sculptor might be expected to remain close to the original , though even here a Roman preference can be detected for a certain shape , or for an angle that increases the sentimental value of the copy .
18 The maximum pull-out torque can be calculated for an n-phase motor with a peak static torque of when one phase is excited .
19 In this method of interviewing it is likely that the hypotheses will have been clarified so that specific questions are ready for testing , and an interview schedule is to be used so that the stimulus-response situation of the interview can be standardized for a number of interviewers .
20 ( v ) Pupils should be taught about the different functions of written language : that writing can be for the writer alone ; it can be addressed to a known reader ; or it can be written for a large and unknown audience .
21 No attempt has been made to choose worthwhile bars that can be visited for a coffee break en route .
22 Chosen Heritage Ltd. has a scheme whereby a firm instruction can be given for a guaranteed price funeral which can be paid for at today 's prices .
23 Mrs. Laventure highlights the ambiguity of the situation : ‘ For any scheme to be partially exempt from tax the programme must be open to all employees and suggestions implemented — although a £25 encouragement award can be given for a suggestion with intrinsic value or meritorious effort .
24 For although British Rate and Data ( BRAD for short ) gives information on rates , these are always open to negotiation , and discounts can be arranged for a number of reasons .
25 A series of many similar observations can be made for a number of different tribes and issues , and cumulatively these give us a very clear picture of the extensive series of Celtic silver coinages of the first century BC .
26 Scaevola is less than enthusiastic , but he does state that a case can be made for a trust 's having been established .
27 A high limit Gold Highline card is available and application can be made for a Gold Mastercard .
28 Centres requiring advice on assessment procedures should contact their local SCOTVEC Field Officer ; arrangements can be made for a Subject Assessor to contact the centre .
29 So who 's making the profit , if a typical CD retailing at 12.99 can be made for a mere 50 pence ?
30 The fact of being ‘ family ’ is no guarantee that people can live together happily on a long-term basis , and almost any other good ‘ care ’ arrangement that can be made for an elderly person is better than a cat-and-dog life with relatives , where there is no common ground for agreement , and constant quarrels make home life a misery .
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