Example sentences of "can be [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To the left can be seen a passing train on the Romsey to Eastleigh line .
2 Moreover , so far as can be seen a Northumbrian hegemony continued to prevail between the Humber and the Forth and across to the west , above and below the Solway from the Mersey to the borders of Strathclyde , at least until the mid-eighth century .
3 In this new , or at least much heavier , emphasis on fair dealing can be seen a genuine movement away from the primitive assumptions of the age of Commynes and Machiavelli .
4 The grounds of the public library at Wallington seem an unlikely setting for industrial remains , but here can be seen a preserved section of tramway used by the Surrey Iron Railway , the first tramway built as a transport system independent of canal and other industrial transport .
5 A little way up on the left hand side is the Museum Dr Frederico Freitas where can be seen a large exhibition of engravings and porcelain .
6 In the distance can be seen a shimmering blue-green arch with tinges of pink , and beyond this a fuzzy indistinctness .
7 The flowchart in section 0401.3 outlines the FSA considerations for determining whether we can accept an engagement and whether a client can be treated a corporate finance client .
8 If the deep anaphor can be assigned a suitable interpretation from a content-based representation it does not matter , at least as far as a considered judgement of acceptability is concerned , if the previous expression of that content does not parallel the one that would have to be substituted for the anaphor to make a full second clause .
9 61 ) the latter can be assigned a similar date ( on grounds which are only slightly more convincing ) .
10 In addition to the total of 285,000 troops can be reckoned a certain number of Pasdaran , the Revolutionary Guards ( later reported as numbering 250,000 ) and a similarly uncomputed number of baseej , the highly motivated volunteer formations combining adolescents with the over-40s .
11 Any drill which requires changes in word order , whether optional or obligatory , which requires the addition or deletion of grammatical constituents such as not and which further exacts the alteration of grammatical pairs such as already and yet , can be called a transformational drill .
12 If the archetypal Tory of the 1979 intake was a rent-a-quote property dealer who backed Mrs Thatcher to the death and the death penalty to the hilt , Mr Heddle can be called a sad loss to the Two Nations Tendency .
13 It is this particular way of playing which makes Ashton 's La Fille Mal Gardée what can be called a National Ballet in the same sense that both The Firebird and Petrushka can be called Russian National Ballets and Rodeo and Fall River Legend American .
14 ( This effect could have been calculated from the marginals of figure 13.5 , and can be called a marginal relationship . )
15 can be given a new and believable meaning , provided that this troublesome word ‘ god ’ and all its variations can be refined and enriched to embrace all those manifestations of good , whether from evolution or civilisation , that have emerged since the beginning of life and .
16 Old furniture and junk-shop finds can be given a new lease of life with a little tender loving care and a certain amount of practical know-how .
17 Each of these forms , or intensities , can be given a separate name , but they all belong to the same basic message : ‘ Clear off , or I will attack you . ’
18 Lombard 's Pictures may lack the last degree of individual characterisation , but at budget price this version can be given a warm welcome .
19 Before the concrete sets , the surface can be given a final smooth in a number of ways .
20 On the contrary , it can be given a sharp , stressful edge by writing in such a way that the usual triadic structure is partly or totally demolished .
21 The entire period-doubling cascade can be given a similar interpretation .
22 While it is important to know that your sample size is big enough for safe conclusions to be drawn ( that effects are ‘ statistically significant ’ ) , this is secondary in comparison with the issue of whether a relationship can be given a causal interpretation or is merely the spurious result of the operation of third factors ; the relationship between the number of fire engines and the amount of damage caused could be derived from a sample size of ten thousand and still utterly mislead if taken at face value .
23 Even a garden of very modest size can be given a cottage-garden look with this kind of focal point .
24 Obviously , the regiment must include a standard bearer before it can be given a magic standard .
25 For this reason it is wise to keep a few in a bowl during the winter , so that they can be given a little warmth during early spring to encourage premature growth and shade the first flush of water discolouring algae , thus discouraging its growth .
26 these factors can be assigned weightings , in line with their relative importance , so that a potential customer 's answers to each question on the proposal form can be given a numerical score .
27 But Galloway concluded from his study of procedures in Sheffield that prosecution will often be of little value , unless parents can be given a positive reason for insisting on their child 's attendance at school .
28 An accompanying person can be given a complimentary ticket for the screenings .
29 A chap can be supervising a spiffing archaeological dig on the Eastern fringes of the Soviet Union one day , only to find himself banged up in a Moscow jail on highly dubious spying charges the next .
30 ‘ But before Derry can be made a major European city it 's important that the people of that place are proud of themselves and their city and know what they want for the city . ’
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