Example sentences of "can n't [verb] what the " in BNC.

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1 It was n't left there and I ca n't think what the chances are of finding it in a place this size .
2 Like physical ailments and er our , our , our physical body does n't work like it used to , and as you do get older there is a tendency to more to , to need more rest , we ca n't do what the young ones er do , and we would love to do that and that goes along with what the council and the
3 So , we ca n't tell what the final deadline date will be because there are so many pro processes , to go through .
4 And if Em wants more money and will do all your washing and clearing as well , then I ca n't see what the fuss is about . ’
5 I ca n't see what the fuss is about .
6 I ca n't see what the point is that was more than forty-five years ago
7 I ca n't understand what the woman 's saying — it 's too loud and echoey to understand .
8 I just ca n't understand what the bloody hell 's going on in his mind — his crafty crooked little beetle-brain , I mean , " he added to keep his end up .
9 He ca n't understand what the flag is meant to be advertizing , unless it is being proud of one 's country .
10 I ca n't remember what the ovver two looked like , it 'appened so quick . ’
11 The most glamorous imaginable TV commercial filmed in the Caribbean with an all-star cast is a failure if , when in the supermarket , the viewer ca n't remember what the product was called .
12 I ca n't remember what the computer called it .
13 But Yanek took no notice of the goblin 's prompting , he gave it a kick , and said , " I ca n't remember what the sun-god told me , Grandfather . "
14 And we 're doing something on the character of the Christian , er I ca n't , obedience , , righteousness is one and I ca n't remember what the other is .
15 I ca n't remember what the off the top of my head , no .
16 And I ca n't remember what the other one was .
17 I ca n't remember what the headings are .
18 And she had given a certain name to it , and I ca n't remember what the name was now , something like fiddling , I mean fiddling is too obvious , it was n't that , but it was something like that , an ordinary everyday term like that .
19 I ca n't remember what the erm , is it one six ?
20 Er I honestly ca n't remember what the the breakdown on the figures are but er even by moving that inner route direction er we were unable er within the traffic model to actually er encourage so much re as much relief on the A sixty one what the actual figures were I have n't got them to hand sir at the moment .
21 Erm we 'd also received information from the North Yorkshire European erm I 've got M Y E C O and I ca n't remember what the C O stands for .
22 And when I last looked at it , one question on behaviour modification had managed to creep on there as well but I ca n't remember what the question is , so you 'd better pay attention for the whole of the rest of this lecture in case I in case I remember it .
23 Everybody I thought , accepted that in committee , I ca n't remember what the liberal democrats did but certainly we did and certainly all the members of the labour group .
24 Erm , features er a female university lecturer who 's who says of the Victorian novel that it comes out right by marriage , er either marriage , legacy , or I ca n't remember what the other one was , there were three categories .
25 ca n't see , ca n't remember what the are balls behind or wha where they are .
26 Well I ca n't remember what the terms are , infants er
27 generated or whatever , who do you wish to pay to , and we have four erm electricity board , the gas board , the er er er credit card and the , ca n't remember what the fourth one is , you simply say I wan na pay number four how much do you wish to pay to the Royal Bank of Scotland and you say how much you wish to pay in , er in pence and it immediately says you wish to pay blah blah blah it will be done .
28 And erm I ca n't remember what the other one is .
29 I ca n't remember what the , what actually went up , but er you know
30 I just did the last one , the next , the , the , the next to the last one erm , I said er , I ca n't remember what the differentiation of it is , he said you would n't you have n't done it , I said no we 'd started
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