Example sentences of "can go [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 we 've both got a week off , and we thought we 'd all can go just for a couple of days
2 I mean you can go up on the rest of the week , but the day before the holiday and the day after the holiday the
3 But in summer … the temperature can go up to a hundred and twenty Fahrenheit down there . ’
4 You can go up to a woman on a street corner and start yelling at her and ten minutes later she 's back at your place doing God knows what .
5 She can go up to the castle to beg her food .
6 But clearly the it forms two purposes , one is to remove the er the through traffic but also it it forms a purpose of redistribution of the traffic such that er there are er benefits er of getting er traffic off the A sixty one which for example is headed for the for the northern part of Harrogate and that that can come in from the South , it can go up to the A fifty nine and then come back into the northern part of Harrogate without having to pass through the centre of Harrogate .
7 I said and that 's why cos Paul said to me , he said , I never hear you moan , I said look you wo n't hear me moan because it 's not that I enjoy the job I hate the job I said I hate the work , and I find it hard work but at the end of the day on a Friday , I know that six o'clock in the morning on a Friday I can go up to the Nationwide Anglia , slip my card in there and I know there 's gon na be a couple of hundred of quid in there with the
8 You can go up to the !
9 of conscience , you want conscious , well you can go up to the I and then it 's conscious , you 've got conscience , conscious
10 You can go up for the day .
11 You now owe me five thousand pound and you can go up into the middle .
12 ‘ All right , then — Alastair can go up through the Glen of the Birks and use the old byre below Urlar .
13 Rateable values can go up after an appeal
14 These same men use one set of laws to cancel the effects of another , for example , the application of the law of aerodynamics , enables them to cancel the effect of the law of gravity , that 's why you can go up in an aeroplane .
15 Which proves my point about teachers ; even the best of them can go completely over the top , for no reason whatsoever .
16 They can go upstairs to the first floor , almost directly above this passage ; in this case they walk up a gentle incline and arrive at the west door leading from location 54 .
17 Firstly the bill can go through on the nod with no note .
18 Well you can go outside in a few minutes .
19 Therefore Congress , we must call on the C E C to answer the confusion in plain English , so that I , and I 'm sure many other of our members , can understand in the form of a document circulated to the branches so that we can go forward into the future at least understanding where we fit into our own union .
20 Any man who wants to can go ashore for the afternoon .
21 History shows it can go on for a long time , as deficits and surpluses did during the golden age before the First World War .
22 I can go on for a few more days .
23 This tragic game can go on for the rest of their lives or one of them can decide enough is enough and withdraw .
24 We are here to have a committee meeting about the Season , and about your attitude , and indeed about whether we can go on with the Season at all . ’
25 ‘ Then we can go on up the highway until we catch them , ’ Hugh suggested .
26 One can go on to a third group that I did not discuss , " all-ischaemic events " , including non-fatal and fatal reinfarction ; it includes the development of unstable angina , and revascularisation procedures .
27 ‘ We can go on to the depot at 80° South , leave the food there , and then go back .
28 Rufus had always heard that nothing can go on in a village without the gossips knowing .
29 After them , things can go on in the normal hopeless way .
30 This is just one kind of learning which can go on inside a robot 's workings .
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