Example sentences of "can not [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 You know , I ca n't stay for a week in silence .
2 The rules are the same you do n't say oh I ca n't go for a ride and I 'm gon na go through announce my
3 Ca n't stop for a drink .
4 I ca n't see for a moment because of the crowd .
5 and all she can think of to say is ( and here he mimicked a heavy filmstar accent which actually was nothing like the actress in the film at all , because the woman in the film is an ordinary , decent , hardworking woman ) , ‘ Oh dahlink , I 'ave missed you so much , ’ and then the first thing she does after waiting for him to come home for seven fucking years is to leave the fucking gas on while she 's making his coffee , and then of course she 's so tense that she just ca n't wait for a fag , she lights up , there you go ; bang .
6 If you ca n't wait for a new model , the Black & Decker Woodworker is ideal for the beginner , or for those wanting a second router for lots of small repetitive tasks .
7 Cos he ca n't see , ca n't read for a terribly
8 If you pay for the glasses yourself , you ca n't apply for a refund afterwards ( even if you were entitled to a voucher ) unless they were prescribed through the Hospital Eye Service .
9 They must learn what every child knows that you ca n't ask for a present back .
10 You ca n't ask for a specific taxi company or
11 I ca n't imagine for a moment that they will be sitting unwatched in some archive .
12 ‘ But you can not legislate for a change of heart .
13 If the issue today in some people 's eyes is the need for this community in Greater York to be one hundred percent self sufficient then perhaps we really ought to go pack up and er go home , er because there 's no way that er a settlement that one could envisage in Greater York or perhaps anywhere else can be a hundred percent self sufficiency , self sufficient , you 're not going to get a shopping mall , you 'd be unlikely to get a a major touring theatre , so you can not aim for a hundred percent self sufficiency , you aim for what is appropriate for the size of the community and particularly its relationship to existing settlements er in the general area .
14 Unfortunately , encyclopaedias are very expensive to compile and publish so one can not hope for a new edition every year and the information in them is thus often very dated .
15 For I can not hope for a reference from Lady Merchiston , and I am afraid that … ’
16 The article ended : ‘ The prince 's image has been badly damaged and statesman-like behaviour can not compensate for a young wife throwing herself downstairs in an attempted suicide while her husband strides to go out riding .
17 He is after all manager , and can not wish for a scandal … ’
18 ie. you can not ask for a package to be approved yesterday ! ! !
19 Similarly , Freeman argued , in relation to unskilled labour , that ‘ uneducative ’ employment was unavoidable and , therefore , it was necessary that ‘ the intelligence and character of the adolescent be trained outside the workshop ’ : ‘ We can not train for a trade , but we can enable the worker to do his duties as thoroughly as possible ’ ; such training would give a ‘ familiarity ’ with ‘ ordinary tools ’ and ‘ simple machines ’ , a grounding in ‘ mechanics ’ and ‘ competent draughtsmanship ’ .
20 We can not wait for a Labour Government .
21 Today the Royals can not relax for a second , can not step one foot outside their own home without being met by a barrage of photographers waiting for them to make the smallest slip .
22 In this first category we consider three main criticisms : ( a ) that the model developed in chapter 4 can not account for a major feature of all economies ; ( b ) that the model relies for all its results on very simple specifications of the aggregate supply and demand curves ; and ( c ) that even if one accepts the model as it stands governments might effectively stabilize the economy if they possess better information about the economy than the private sector , or indeed if different parts of the private sector possess different information .
23 A local authority can not apply for a residence or contact order and the court can not make such an order in its favour ( s9(2) ) .
24 Lions are strong but can not run for a long time .
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