Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 As getting in necessitates standing on the red leather trimmed seat , the manufacturers thoughtfully provide a ‘ mud flap ’ of similar material which can be flipped over from in front of the squab .
2 Sometimes the blockage may be visible from the top of the downpipe and can be hoicked out from the top with a length of stiff wire — try a straightened-out coat hanger .
3 Many areas did indeed degrade in this way , which can be seen particularly from later maps .
4 Although its giant neighbour , Ben Alder , can be viewed from the A9 at the top of Loch Ericht , and the peak further west along its ridge , Aonach Beag , can be seen briefly from the A86 if you 're not fishing about for an extra strong mint in the glove compartment , Carn Dearg reveals itself only to those prepared to sweat a bit .
5 Both the two great mountains near Loch Hourn can be seen clearly from the beach at Corran .
6 The Cathedral , which can be seen even from the furthest peaks of Alsace , is regarded by the Alsatians as a proud symbol of their heritage .
7 As can be seen even from these brief extracts Boulestin did not by any means invariably advocate traditional French bourgeois or regional cooking .
8 This can be done either from information provided by the user or in consultation with the project personnel .
9 Criticism may devote itself to an actual performance ; analysis , both musical and dramatic , can be done away from the theatre , by an examination of the score .
10 Yet it is damaging to suggest that they can be answered separately from questions about the educational needs of children and young people themselves .
11 Other questions which can be answered easily from the library stock by non-specialists .
12 Requests for basic information on plants — names etc — which can be answered easily from reference books .
13 Since our ancestors presumably sought safety in exactly such spots , his theory would seem to be plausible — assuming that acquired information can be transmitted genetically from adult to offspring , which is unlikely .
14 The first is not a lot of use in an indirect system , since once the mains stopcock has been turned off , most of the water left in the rising main can be drained out from the kitchen tap .
15 A novel feature is that the display and key pad is detachable and can be placed away from the weighing area .
16 Externalities requiring the regulation of safety and noise can be treated separately from competition policy .
17 This administrative process is very slow and limits the rate at which people can be sent back from Hong Kong .
18 The tin oxide , being relatively heavy , travels only a short distance when carried by a stream of water and can be channelled off from the waste .
19 If you want to use dropper bottles they can be obtained singly from dispensing chemists or in quantities of 50 or more from The Homœopathic Supply co. ( tel. 0263 824683 )
20 The energies of the 2 T 2g and 2 E g states depend only on Δ , and the transition energy can be obtained easily from the diagram .
21 Information regarding the ownership of churches belonging to the various non-conformist sects can be obtained either from the General Secretary of the Free Church Federal Council or from the appropriate denominational headquarters .
22 Further information about these services can be obtained either from Dr A Game , UK Research Councils European Office , BP10 , Rue de la Loi 83 1040 Brussels .
23 If any reader of Amicus would like a copy of the new book it can be obtained either from the publishers or from Clifford at 38 Hocombe Drive , Chandlers Ford , Hants , SO5 1QE .
24 Pre- or post-banding avoids the need to culture cells since adequate numbers of mitotic cells can be obtained directly from mid-term fetuses ( Table 3b ) .
25 Values of the unperturbed dimension can be obtained experimentally from dilute solution measurements made either directly in a theta-solvent ( see section 9.9 ) or by using indirect measurements in non-ideal solvents and employing an extrapolation procedure .
26 The development of the television subgenre of the novelistic is not a completed form and may never reach classical definition , but it can be traced historically from forms of narrative inherited from radio , theatre and popular entertainment to forms more appropriate to the specific conditions of television .
27 Each such node S is at the end of a path from the start , and this path can be traced back from S by following pointers .
28 Freehand , closed freehand , arc , pie wedge , open polygon , and open bezier tools can be called up from a pull down menu or you can add them to your own customised toolbox so that the most frequently tools are always close at hand .
29 When you created an object you can save it for later use and even add to your tag file , so it can be selected instantly from the menu .
30 The molecular dimensions of a polymer chain in any solvent can be calculated directly from light scattering measurements , using equation ( 9.36 ) , if the coil is large enough to scatter light in an asymmetric manner , but when the chain is too short to be measured accurately in this way an alternative technique has to be used .
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