Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 His work can be seen regularly at the Chris Beetles Gallery , where he is having a solo exhibition from March 31-April 16
2 Always make sure you can be seen easily at night .
3 Male pycnogonids have a special pair of ovigerous legs ; they can be seen here at the front , ending in pincers .
5 She is looking for applicants who have some experience in child care and can be contacted today at Belfast 629274 , or at the same number from May 29 to June 1 .
6 Spring cabbage can be thinned out at the end of winter to their final spacings .
7 A MIGHTY blow for honesty can be struck today at Lord 's — nothing is required beyond the crowd rising as one for Allan Lamb .
8 Various authors can be placed notionally at different points on the spectrum depending on how closely their accounts of law approach the ideal models of positivism or natural law .
9 The snags can be ironed out at an early stage .
10 Cover can be increased automatically at 5% or 10% a year to give protection against inflation .
11 Partially stenosed coronary arteries can often be re-bored using a hi-tech version of the pipe-cleaner known as a balloon catheter , so named because it can be blown up at the appropriate moment to expand the narrowed segment .
12 Er , scrap timber can be stacked up at one side , and used as firewood .
13 Any mulm and detritus can be syphoned off at the same time .
14 It can then be used in spare moments to provide you with recordings of matching background sound , which can be dubbed in at editing if need be to replace any unsatisfactory sections of the original synchronised sound .
15 Bullen and Rockhart also show how the critical-success-factor approach can be applied equally at either the strategic or the operational activity level , and offer advice on how to ascertain from managers in fairly short interviews what these factors are .
16 Any information the client is interested in can be printed off at any stage during the search .
17 This instrument was known to Ptolemy in the second century AD , and — the underlying mathematical theory of stereographic projection can be traced back at least to Ptolemy 's great predecessor Hipparchus ( second century BC ) .
18 ( Gordon and Heivilin ( 1978 ) , however , point out that the origins of ZBB can be traced back at least until 1924 ) .
19 Some issues can be tackled only at a European level .
20 However , with a little diligence and help of the single end of a transfer tool , they can sometimes by unravelled in the work and since the end is fine it can be darned in at the back .
21 ‘ In this game you need people like Simon who can be called up at a moment 's notice . ’
22 The system allows information to be ‘ filed ’ on floppy discs so that stored information can be called up at any time on the computer 's visual display unit .
23 The responsibility can be defined differently at different periods of time .
24 Some settlement is likely to take place over a period after the trench has been filled , but this can be filled in at a later stage .
25 They can be used to completely encompass a big warren system , they can be used to divide up areas of woodland and they can be operated both at night and by day when conditions are favourable .
26 With the reversal of tidal currents deltas can be built up at both ends of the strait .
27 30 Rd6||c5||31 Rf3||Ra7|| 32 Re6+||Kf7||33 Re7+||Kg8|| 34 Rg3||Resigns Mate by Bh6+ can be delayed only at ruinous cost .
28 The hand-out can be given out at the beginning of the learning session and used as a basis for teaching .
29 The network topology is such that new file-servers can be plugged in at any time should the need arise .
30 The computer will point you in the right direction of a fuel pod which can be scooped up at close range .
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