Example sentences of "can [be] [vb pp] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They can be tailored to cater for differing retirement ages as well as for varying contribution levels , which explains why some organisations are able to offer early retirement on very attractive terms .
2 Temporary workers can be differentiated according to whether ( at least in the layman 's eyes ) they are directly employed , self-employed or the employee of a third party such as an agency .
3 An operator carrying out a task can be asked to talk about what he is doing as he does it .
4 The group can be asked to respond to what one individual has just said ; or it can focus discussion on one individual at a time ; or the counsellor can ensure that the group discusses general or shared problems , or that it links and compares different problems faced by individuals within the group .
5 The Speaker can be asked to agree to an emergency debate on a definite matter of urgent public importance .
6 In modern languages , for example , the student can be asked to work towards ordering a meal in a German restaurant , with the reasonable expectation that what this involves will be meaningful .
7 Many Religious belong to international congregations and can be asked to work at home or abroad .
8 The child who likes expressing his ideas in words , but who is not so happy drawing and painting , can be asked to write about an interest .
9 It means that at some point in a viewing activity the learner can be asked to focus on the visual channel only .
10 The most you can be asked to pay for all that needs to be done during any one course of treatment is £150 .
11 Each of these centres can be analysed according to its size , both in retail composition and in area covered on the ground .
12 Therefore a law valid in SR can be generalized to apply in any accelerating frame by expressing it in tensor form .
13 Scraps of the local railway system , which died in the 1930s , can be seen imbedded in Los Angeles boulevards like fragments of a lost civilisation .
14 Deixis is seen as a fundamental element of human discourse , and a particular discoursal site is isolated where it can be seen operating in a particular way .
15 I have been asked by your Committee to tell you something of Professor Cizek and his School of Arts and Crafts for children in Vienna , reproductions of whose work can be seen exhibited on these walls .
16 Wave-driven variations in the ozone column in spring can be seen to correlate with those in the HNO 3 data .
17 Rational models of planning can be seen to fall into two distinct categories .
18 To identify people by name can be seen to detract from the objectivity of the report .
19 Literary texts can be seen acting as metaphors for features the skilled ( shamanistic perhaps ? ) reader of the cultural text discerns and whose significances to the larger whole are suggestively indicated .
20 Each of these premises can be seen acting to a greater or lesser degree in the siting of any particular settlement .
21 An ideological history can be seen to flow through contemporary thinking .
22 This relatively explicit form can be seen to modulate into the process of association of particular works with particular powerful names : the patron , in effect , as dedicatee .
23 Every Saturday and Sunday , on the dot of 8.30am , hordes of uniformed children of all ages can be seen converging on Hampton Court in Surrey .
24 One can see why The Ancyent Marinere prejudiced the success of the volume , and the ‘ simplicity ’ of many poems can be seen to emerge from a background of rather precious cleverness .
25 Again the notebooks can be seen moving in the right direction with ‘ Svidrigailov : I 'm happy to go to America at once , but somehow nobody really wants to . ’
26 On close examination , tiny points of light can be seen bouncing in a random zig-zag motion .
27 Now they can be seen strolling around the city alongside their mahouts or drivers , or earning their living as tourist attractions , tethered to hotel lawns and bars .
28 Skippers say up to a dozen tankers can be seen drifting among them .
29 In vertebrates , shortly after gastrulation , the brain can be seen forming at the anterior end of the embryo .
30 In fact there is a direct continuation inland for several miles of the algal mat that can be seen forming on the beach at the present day .
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