Example sentences of "can [adv] see the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While a person engaged in a particular event can rarely see the whole set of circumstances in clear perspective he can record the minutiae of a situation which might well be lost when the position is looked back on at a later date .
2 You can only see the splendid tapestries inside by appointment .
3 A history which limits ‘ progress ’ to the sphere of a certain conceptualization of individuality can only see the collective associations of conventions and repetitions as regressive ; they represent the manipulative mould of mass society , together with a pseudo-archaism which that society uses to establish its historical credentials .
4 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
5 Another worthwhile trip is to Rattenberg , where you can still see the traditional skills involved in crystal glass making .
6 Yer can still see the poor cow walkin' about wiv both 'er eyes pointin' inwards .
7 An even better view of it is a later reward at the summit of Carn Dearg , when you can clearly see the sharp high gully that slices Ben Alder in two , with a remarkably large high-level loch nestling between the summit and the top of Beinn Bheoil .
8 I 'm not being unkind , I 'm sure they can also see the funny side of it . ’
9 You can also see the direct effects of this obsession on his victim , and how she tries to combat it .
10 Although I can now see the inherent sense in glueing a book to a table , then the point was just beyond me .
11 In the original report we mentioned a major licensing deal between SelecTronics and Berlitz and we can now see the concrete results of this in SelecTronics ' product range .
12 The Wheal Martyn works ceased commercial production in 1968 , but visitors can now see the whole history and process of producing china clay , as well as the machinery used , which included a huge breastshot waterwheel of 35 feet diameter , to drive pumps in the quarry pit .
13 ‘ It has so much atmosphere that one can almost see the medieval wool merchants going about their business .
14 I can however see the globular cluster M56 ; it is difficult with × 7 , detectable without much trouble with × 12 , and easy with × 20 .
15 John Jarvis , senior sales manager , said : ‘ With interest like this before a brick is even laid , who knows what results we will achieve once potential purchasers can actually see the finished product . ’
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