Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 That the arbitrageur can lend money at the riskless rate of interest appears sensible , but it is more questionable to assume that he or she can borrow at the riskless rate ( although if the marginal arbitrageur is a large financial institution , the assumption may be reasonable ) .
2 He said : it gives me hope for the future of the planet that people can work for a solution to poverty and problems and can enjoy life at the same time .
3 Not only are peak users paying for the high marginal costs they impose , but also those users who would not mind consuming at a different time ( e.g. households with night storage heaters , who can use electricity at a time when marginal costs are low ) are induced by cheaper prices to switch to consuming at off-peak times .
4 I would have liked to have done better in the League this season , but I can see light at the end of the tunnel now .
5 But Price Waterhouse say they are confident the original directors can run Dale at a profit .
6 Meals are served in the restaurant or guests can take lunch at the beach restaurant .
7 If the operating company is to be sold , the disposal can take place at the holding company level .
8 For the owner , it can mean heartbreak at the loss of a family pet .
9 The Bebington Club can clinch promotion at the final fixture in Wales in August by finishing in the top three .
10 To explain why the ozone hole exists , research now suggests that the Antarctic region offers an extreme situation in which chlorine molecules can scavenge ozone at a very fast rate ( Crutzen and Arnold , 1986 ) .
11 Crocodiles can lose water at a rate of up to half of that of amphibians ( which have a much more permeable skin , and would greatly suffer from desiccation on land were it not for the safety valve of a reduced urine flow , which passes much of its water content back into the body ) .
12 However , the difficulties involved in providing a safe and reassuring environment for staff working with this group of people are one reason why so many professional staff still clamour to retain the old asylums ; in such asylums staff know they can summon help at a few minutes ' notice from a neighbouring ward and from resident medical staff .
13 At a petrol station near Vigo , I got directions to Blackberry Hill , proving yet again that taxi-drivers are the only people who can get service at a garage without buying anything .
14 With large groups , however , this method can cause chaos at the reception desk .
15 The high energy plasma can cause damage at the semiconductor/insulator interface , which in turn gives rise to leakage currents and poor isolation ( this mechanism actually involves the creation of the surface states used to good effect in Jim Luck 's igfets ) .
16 You can find material at the surface which are samples from the deeper stratigraphy .
17 Whether they can increase production at a rate which allows urban markets to be fed and exports to be maintained depends on several factors .
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