Example sentences of "which [vb base] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There may well , as we saw in discussing Team D , be organizational factors which influence access to client status .
2 These units , which introduce ideas about narrative , language , form and meaning , and link the study of literature to its background , give a foundation for the study of English .
3 This social fusion has taken place through intermarriage and access to the social circles and institutions which denote prestige in society , such as organisations , clubs and landed estates ( Sunkel 1965 ) .
4 While wishing you well on the trip , I ca n't help feeling that you 'd be doing more good by campaigning for better facilities for cyclists , in particular for routes and paths which segregate cycles from motor vehicles .
5 It is now the sectors which sponsor investment in track and signalling as well as rolling stock , that must deal with the modernisation of stations , and so on .
6 This index enables you to access a variety of options which display information about Design Changes ( DCs ) ; for example , to find out the state of a particular DC , who is approving it , and why , and to look at assessment comments .
7 Indeed , restaurants , cafes and licensed premises which sell liquor for consumption on the premises ( e.g. pubs and wine bars ) were for the first time was the 1987 Use Classes Order brought within a stated class .
8 The elements which bring language to life in a classroom are gestures , handling and touching things , incidents , pictures , some or all of which may be part of a game or a contest .
9 Exercises which bring grammar to life
10 The responsibility and duties of the family proceedings court cease on the making of the care order , subject to the provisions of section 34 which make provision for contact orders being made by the court .
11 The projection may be linear or exponential , or may incorporate more complex calculations which make allowance for variation in the basic parameters assumed to remain constant in the simpler equations .
12 Make a list of all those things which make life worth living — such as friends , relations , pets , the view from the window , your favourite radio programme .
13 The program ‘ Search Strategy ’ is intended to teach new users search strategy design for online systems which make use of Boolean logic .
14 He examines the use of ‘ figures of the written word ’ in various cultures , particularly the ‘ non-speech uses of language ’ which develop systems of classification like lists , formulae , tables and ‘ recipes for the organisation and development of human knowledge ’ ( 1977 : 17 ) .
15 Dr. Peter Clough ( Lecturer in Special Needs Provision ) has been concerned in a number of small-scale projects which explore continuities in Language provision between mainstream and special settings .
16 This programme of screenings focusses on films which explore areas of race and gender in a thought provoking way .
17 Nitrate , while relatively innocuous , is kept at acceptable levels by partial water changes ( or by introduction of sintered glass filters which ingeniously provide conditions for both the aerobic bacteria which transform ammonia into nitrate but also dispose of nitrate producing nitrogen in the process ) .
18 BRITISH theatre director Peter Brook and Czech President Vaclav Havel have received two of the Onassis International Awards , which honour contributions in scholarship , human rights and the environment .
19 Factors which we have found correlate positively with the emergence of strong goals of recognition , status and praise , and which provide themes for selection , are :
20 These are maintained schools which provide education for school pupils and mature students alongside social , recreational and cultural activities for the whole community .
21 ( a ) which provide footnotes to material cited in the main body of your report ( including author , title , place of publication , publisher and year of publication ) ; and ( b ) which elaborates important but subsidiary ideas that were too detailed to be contained in the body of the report .
22 The definition of food can include both solids and liquids which provide sources of energy .
23 This index page allows you to select from a number of listing options which provide information about Design Changes ( DCs ) .
24 The Soil Survey of Great Britain publishes maps and memoirs which provide information on soil types and conditions .
25 The facility includes bulletin boards which provide information on hardware and software updates and bug corrections , including access to updating services such as WATCOM C and AREV , which would be extremely useful to RBGE staff .
26 This utility allows you to perform simple file management tasks such as copying and formatting disks as well as allowing you to create menus which provide access to software other than the InteSoft series .
27 Information will be collected from various publications which provide data on output , exports , market shares etc .
28 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
29 The Commission therefore welcomes the availability of some of the new settings which provide parts for congregation as well as choir .
30 I have proposed four simple distributional patterns for both marine and terrestrial animals which involve changes in time .
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