Example sentences of "which [vb base] [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These are intense , dramatic readings which lack nothing in conviction , though I imagine some listeners will prefer a less overtly ‘ expressive ’ approach to the music .
2 A text , then , has features of organization which distinguish it from non-text , that is , from a random collection of sentences and paragraphs .
3 The police are obviously involved also in other activities which bring them into contact with employees and a good relationship with them in these other areas will often be beneficial to reaching a quick and satisfactory solution to all sides when violence does occur ’ .
4 The foods which supply you with fibre also supply you with calories .
5 Captive funds — generally subsidiaries of the large UK insurance companies , banks and pension funds , which provide them with capital for investment .
6 We can not and never will understand this place appointed for our second race , for we are implicated without choice in the catastrophe of the copulations which splatter us into existence .
7 We can not and never will understand this place appointed for our second race , for we are implicated without choice in the catastrophe of the copulations which splatter us into existence .
8 So these pass on their rubbish to garbage companies , which transport it for burial to states like Ohio that still have landfill space .
9 So it is with principles identified by evaluation and the techniques which put them into operation .
10 While the interests which ruled the foreign policies of European states might differ , the machinery which put them into effect did not .
11 This was guaranteed by women 's reproductive role , which put them in contact with the great physical and mental powers of the race .
12 It moved two things which put it into operation , you know and er I could turn the knob and it 'd get the whole thing going , it 'd get you inside , it 'd register that it 'd been , when you shut the door , as soon as you shut , in the toilets , as soon as you shut the door the penny dropped down , see what I mean .
13 It is wholly inappropriate to begin to teach adults to learn how to read by using children 's story books when in reality they will be able to relate more to being able to read those by-laws of the state which prevent them from voting .
14 Peter , as you know , I 've taught this course , tutored some of the students in it , and I find it myself a very challenging and interesting course if only because the students are always unearthing new facts and figures about energy which catch me by surprise .
15 It is important to keep your disks in order , especially hard drives which hold lots of information .
16 In this paper , Peter Watsham describes a range of personnel activities which lend themselves to computer assistance , examines the role of small machines in relation to these , and presents an appraisal of what is currently available .
17 Economics and Accounting allows those wishing to follow a career as a chartered accountant the opportunity to combine courses which exempt them from part of their professional exams with courses on broader economic questions .
18 There are a number of processes which reproduce themselves through time and which keep poor farmers in perpetual poverty and force them to use their natural environment in non-sustainable ways .
19 Partners have to reach a common understanding of good learning environments and of the conditions which produce them in order that they may jointly promote them .
20 In a closed economy ( Figure 9.5 ) the circled banks which find themselves over liquid can lend to or buy money market instruments from the under liquid banks ( uncircled ) .
21 This in turn depends upon economies of scale which enable them to pool and diversify risk .
22 Or are we to suppose that Capitalism having been displaced by Socialism in the Marxist version , work with all the disagreeable characteristics which turn it into toil or boredom will have been reduced to the bare minimum necessary to sustain society and that a consequent and vast increase in the leisure will enable us to fulfil ourselves ?
23 Structural conduciveness , as applied here , deals with those features of a situation which predispose it to disorder .
24 It has been suggested that these two projects could form a pincer movement to circumscribe the operations of hierarchic managements pursuing the profitability of the enterprises which employ them without regard to the interests of working people , and therefore to reconstruct the impersonal possession of the means of production in the direction of ( socialist ) social appropriation .
25 My mind is full of dark thoughts and evil yearnings , terrible images which move me to wickedness , as if to some obscure crime which perhaps I have committed already — ’
26 Perhaps surprisingly then , other , less benevolent themes are also found associated with the solar cult , mainly in the form of the collective delusions of persecution which express themselves as belief in witchcraft .
27 That way you hear other people 's views and can prepare argument and reason which take them into consideration .
28 Recently new markets have been found in foreign factory ships , mainly from the USSR and Poland , which have bought much of the catch at sea , or it has been sold to French canneries which take it by road and the cross-Channel ferry from Plymouth .
29 We find our arts opportunities restricted at all levels , from lack of physical access to arts facilities and regulations which bar us from training courses , to our invisibility and misrepresentation in the images produced and promoted .
30 The first which establish themselves by chance in a particular spot , tend , by the mere occupancy of space , to exclude other species — the greater choke the smaller , the longest livers replace those which last for a shorter period , he more prolific gradually make themselves masters of the ground , which species multiplying more slowly would otherwise fill .
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