Example sentences of "which [vb past] [adv prt] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 When I regained control , telling myself , ‘ It 's OK , you 're not taped , you 're not in the truck , ’ I was always left with a residue of remembered fear , which built up in the back of my mind .
2 The Common Good Fund and they , they had you know all I mean you know they had all feelers out for all , all the things , so there are a couple of dates which came up in the last meeting erm for further pilots and then the intention is to just go ahead from
3 I think an example which came up in the Health and Environmental Protection Committee recently , did we really want an AIDS Advice Officer ?
4 ‘ This was a key issue which came out in a consultation exercise we held when we published our interim report on practical training in 1991 . ’
5 Of A God and His Gifts ( which came out in the autumn of 1963 ) Elizabeth wrote :
6 It is a matter of recent history that the constant repetition of lies in Central Europe led to the tragedy which came about in the years 1939 to 1945 . ’
7 The facts , which spilled out in no particular order , revealed the flip side of the fairytale .
8 Essentially , that is the issue in the debates which opened up in the Enlightenment period , and it has remained central in theology ever since .
9 It seemed unlikely , however , that the committees of provincial gentry which sprang up in the wake of the Nazimov Rescript would welcome any form of emancipation , let alone emancipation with land .
10 It 's clear that the many non-party political groups which sprang up in the wake of the election , bodies such as Common Cause and Scotland United , are now prepared to work together in a coalition to stage further events highlighting the deficiencies of the current constitutional arrangements .
11 That is to say , if one made the same measurement on a large number of similar systems , each of which started off in the same way , one would find that the result of the measurement would be A in a certain number of cases , B in a different number , and so on .
12 He has two grown-up children , Dean and Roberta , by his first marriage to a former model , Tina , which broke up in a blaze of publicity after he left her for Stephanie .
13 The defendant was held liable , for the fire which did the damage was not that which broke out in the carburettor but that which spread to the car and this second or continuing fire did not ‘ accidentally ’ begin .
14 The authorities claimed that the Feb. 21 fighting , which broke out in the south of N'Djamena , the capital , had started when " armed men in military uniform " attacked a police station .
15 Disturbances which broke out in the north-eastern city of Mashad on May 30 continued for several days , bringing the city to a standstill .
16 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
17 Not the clankings and gratings of the Zoo which lay off in the distance to his right , now obscured by the trees over which he had flown in the night , but the call of a thousand birds whose busyness and life shook his fears off him for a time and replaced them with a sense of wonder .
18 It may also have acted as a service centre for the nearby imperial estate centred on Combe Down and for the numerous rich villas which grew up in the vicinity .
19 Lots of firms which grew up in the eighties have collapsed leaving debts unpaid and it 's very hard for the rest of us
20 So er er th th there were some er quite substantial er discussions and debates which er which er which went on in the family over the years of course .
21 He then attacked a third which went down in a vertical dive , apparently into the sea .
22 It was this message which went out in the eighteenth century , and became enshrined in the First Amendment to the American Constitution .
23 Terrified commuters were already reeling from the first explosion which went off in a flower bed at at 8.39am when the second , larger Semtex blast came 90 minutes later .
24 All of them failed , from the disastrous Purko Sheep Ranch , where the sheep died because the ranch was at too high an altitude , to the four big grazing schemes which went under in the drought of the early 1960s , when people from outside the schemes , under pressure of need , came in to graze on the permanent waters and massive erosion occurred .
25 The remains of a letterbomb which blew up in the hands of farmer Colin French .
26 That 's the garden sign which blew off in the gales before Christmas and landed on Uri 's car .
27 The constitution contained federal and unitary elements and yet it was the centralising elements which won out in the end .
28 Then they too died as , too exhausted to fight any further , they were covered by a crust of snow which froze on in the bitter winds .
29 4,000 Meteors were produced at the Gloucester aircraft company at Brockworth , which closed down in the 1960s .
30 An acrimonious argument and clash of personalities flared up between the BMC and MLTB , which ended up in a London arbitration court that suggested a formula for reconciliation , Lord Hunt reported on the way forward : a key element being that the BMC should retain and foster its influence and activity in the training sphere .
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