Example sentences of "which [vb past] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In my opinion in Ex parte Agegate Ltd. , the fact that the residence requirement was applicable to British citizens and nationals of other member states alike was the main element in the reasoning which led me to take the view , unlike the court , that that requirement was compatible with Community law : see para. 57 .
2 It is against this background that I approached the construction and which led me to prefer the interpretation which bases the assessment to tax upon the actual cost to the employer rather than the hypothetical cost arrived at by dividing the number of pupils into the total cost of providing full facilities .
3 On this prompting the Base controller also saw a trace which led him to challenge the aircraft 's position report at BN .
4 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
5 It was perhaps their awareness of this , rather than their arrogance , which led them to emphasize the relationship so strongly after Edward IV 's death .
6 His hand wavered , and she noticed the steel discipline which made him drop the phone back in its cradle and wait while she sipped the water .
7 His first posting in 1915 took him to the Toba Batak country in Northern Sumatra in time to witness the Muslim Acehnese rising against their Christian rulers ; an event which made him appreciate the approaching crisis of Islam as a focus for nationalism , and impressed upon him the urgent need for Muslim-Christian accommodation .
8 It was either the carrot or the stick which helped me to complete the analysis and report on my results .
9 It 's no exaggeration to say that I owe my start in politics to the G M B because after having worked , as Dick said , for the G M B for a number of years it was the support of the G M B which helped me win the nomination for Chesterly Street and in the early eighties I can remember when er the Labour Party was going through a difficult period it was officials and members of the G M B who were a steadying influence in my constituency , as they have been ever since .
10 Len Vickery finished third after carding a score of 68a round which helped him secure the past captain 's cup .
11 The positive attributes of Piggy stressed were his mature attitude , good scientific understanding , which helped him to dismiss the beast quickly , and clear head ( which became very important towards the end of the book ) .
12 Despite all these obvious advantages , which lured us to follow the extremely expensive development of the project , the product had only one snag .
13 Through all the beliefs and countries which used it runs the thread of its curative effect on the eyes , and ability to strengthen the sight .
14 he also opened up early at the wicket and had a tendency to bowl from the edge of the crease , which caused him to get the right shoulder in front of the left as he delivered and , with hardly any follow through , the only way he could generate any great speed was by a late acceleration of the bowling arm .
15 Mr. Bonanza had told me earlier that day of his intention to get the girl away that night , but unfortunately he had a stomach disorder which caused him to postpone the trip twenty-four hours .
16 , now recovered from a spell in hospital which caused her to miss the Coburg course , sends her best wishes to you all and sincere thanks for all the lovely cards , letters and flowers which she was delighted to receive .
17 Because tranquillisers simply mask symptoms rather than provide a cure , you may need to seek help to deal with the problem which caused you to need the tablets in the first place .
18 It is possible to go on with the same therapist to deal with the problems which caused you to need the regression experience in the first place .
19 On the second occasion we were overcome by severe stomach pains ( a touch of food poisoning , I guess ) , which caused us to abandon the attempt , again on Elidir Fawr — obviously our jinx mountain .
20 In Spain the struggle over the succession in 1702–13 had seen a prolonged effort by Catalonia and much of Aragon to throw off Castilian rule , an effort which drove them to support the Habsburg Archduke Charles against the eventually victorious Bourbon claimant to the throne , Philip V , grandson of Louis XIV .
21 The British ambassador at Constantinople , meanwhile , was pro-Turkish to the point of ignoring instructions from London which told him to advise the Turks to give ground to Russia .
22 He was sitting at an angle which allowed him to watch the door .
23 In order to claim a scientific status for Marxism as knowledge rather than ideology , or non-knowledge , Althusser invoked Bachelard 's historical epistemology which allowed him to posit the idea of a radical discontinuity between the two , with Marxist science separated from earlier forms of non-knowledge in Marx 's texts by an ‘ epistemological break ’ .
24 Convention , technique , and an empathy with the popular mind all went into the perfecting of the Chaplin act and it was these things that enabled him to become Sennett 's most accomplished pupil and which allowed him to create the cinema 's most appealing and most universal symbol .
25 Polygnotos , it is clear from Pausanias 's description , took two important steps which allowed him to express the classical spirit without the constrictions of the archaic tradition .
26 During the miners ' strike , for instance , it hosted dayschools and conferences for ordinary NUM members and miners ' wives groups , which allowed them to discuss the direction that events were taking .
27 He 'd limped along under some EEC scheme which paid you to employ the unemployable until the equipment had vanished overnight and BDM became Bankrupt , Desperate and Melancholy .
28 After the couple 's death police discovered bank statements which showed they paid the builders £23,000 for it .
29 Only in the case of the General Strike and the events which surrounded it did the participation of the Prime Minister match his degree of ultimate responsibility .
30 Everyone else was allowed a lot of latitude , particularly in sexual matters , and then just before they died they took the consolamentum which permitted them to enter the life of the spirit . ’
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