Example sentences of "which [vb past] [verb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The referendum , only the third in Canada 's history , would enable the electorate to endorse or reject the constitutional package agreed in late August which sought to meet demands for greater autonomy for French-speaking Quebec and for the native Indians and Inuit populations , and offered increased representation within the federal legislature for the western provinces [ see pp. 39044-45 ] .
2 Booz , Allen & Hamilton and McKinsey & Co. dominated this business , which sought to find guidelines for company regeneration and solutions for management problems .
3 For some months I worked in the Information Department of the British Embassy , where I was engaged in propaganda , which included writing leaders for the Iraq Times .
4 Their successors , the Bronze Age miners , regularly rounded off a busy day 's metalworking ( which included making hoops for the new fangled wooden casks and vats ) with stimulating liquors brewed in splendid bronze cauldrons and quaffed from decorated pottery beakers …
5 The Bush administration issued new regulations on April 2 ( to become effective after 30 days ) which eased lending conditions for real estate and permitted " well-capitalized " S&Ls to open branches in any US state .
6 In 1986/87 three government departments ( Department of Health , Home Office , Scottish Home and Health Dept ) and two research councils ( Medical Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council ) funded a study of drugs research both in Britain and internationally which aimed to suggest priorities for research and means of effective research co-ordination .
7 Bush had blocked or vetoed two bills before finally agreeing to a compromise formula which had extended benefits for 13 or 20 weeks beyond the standard 26 weeks of benefits provided under state unemployment programmes [ see pp. 38428 ; 38521 ; 38568 ] .
8 Mother Catherine , the mother superior , a spritely 85-year-old American , said there had never been a case of food poisoning associated with eggs from the monastery , which had kept flocks for 20 years .
9 A few months after I joined the Department of Transport in 1979 I was presented with an issue which had baffled governments for well over a hundred years .
10 None the less , the spirit which had animated plans for post-war construction did not die away in the interwar years .
11 Of the Arab countries which had mobilized forces for Saudi Arabia , Egypt announced substantial further commitments ( an increase to 10,000 troops announced on Sept. 7 , the day before President Mubarak met Baker in Alexandria ; an increase to 20,000 announced on Sept. 16 , with forces departing immediately ; and a government statement on Sept. 25 of readiness to increase the numbers further , to 35,000 ) , as did Syria ( an additional 11,000 to Saudi Arabia , with 300 Soviet-made T-72 tanks , announced on Sept. 15 , on top of 3,200 Syrians already in Saudi Arabia and 1,000 in the United Arab Emirates ) .
12 In the midst of the continuing public disorder which had accompanied demands for his resignation in recent weeks , President Gnassingbe Eyadema stood down on May 14 from the post of Defence Minister which he had held since seizing power in 1967 .
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