Example sentences of "which [vb past] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The accounting convention which divided spending into revenue ( current ) and capital expenditure was particularly susceptible to manipulation .
2 In their special Spanish sale on 28–29 May Christie 's London offered a portrait of Doña Maria Teresa de Vallabriga which failed to sell at £600,000 .
3 No shots were fired , but in an earlier action today , H M S Battleaxe fired warning salvos across the bows of an Iraqi ship which failed to stop for cargo inspection .
4 It was all a spoof , but taken for real by many viewers , particularly when cameramen collapsed and scratches mysteriously appeared on a girl 's face which became covered in blood and distorted .
5 It is certainly true that the most active social science departments gave rise to the approach to social science which became associated with participant observation , the more extensive use of the survey method as a means to examine attitudes and personality and , last but not least , the modern sociological use of the survey as a tool for the development of theory as in variable analysis .
6 There was Florey 's original material , which became known as Penicillin-I or Penicillin-F ( for Florey ) ; Penicillin-II or Penicillin-G ( because G came after F ) from the Squibb Laboratories ; Penicillin-III or Penicillin-X from the laboratories at Peoria ; and Penicillin-IV or Penicillin-K from the Abbot Laboratories .
7 Mackay had no love for the Jacobite cause and in spite of his defeat at the Battle of Killiecrankie , he was given the task of subduing the Highlands , where he built the fort at the head of Loch Linnhe which became known as Fort William .
8 The main national network , which became known as Idhaa ya Kiswahili ( ‘ The Swahili Service ’ ) , had as one of its main aims ‘ informing and educating public opinion ’ .
9 The sidings , which became known as Thornton Gate , opened with the arrival of the first coal train on September 23 1927 .
10 This process , which became known as impeachment , seems to have arisen by accident when de la Mare declared that he and his colleagues would maintain their charges in common .
11 Meanwhile , during October of 1756 , Anthony Tissington of Alfreton in Derbyshire , set men to work at Coniston on the westerly edge of the sett , that part which became known as Paddies ' End .
12 It has been mentioned earlier however , that with gunpowder , Roe modified the old 17th century hand chiselled level which became known as Cobbler 's Level .
13 Militarily stronger by ten to one , Israel made Abdallah agree to an armistice in April 1949 whereby he ceded thirty villages in and near Wadi Ara , in the area which became known inside Israel as the Little Triangle .
14 It was reported at the end of January that talks under UN mediation between the government and the FMLN which became deadlocked in September 1990 [ see p. 37707 ] , had resumed earlier in the month in Mexico City and in San José , Costa Rica , and were making progress .
15 He also wrote a two-volume work on The Architecture of Robert and James Adam ( 1922 ) , which led to work at Adam 's Royal Society of Arts and in 1925 to his being consultant to the eighth Earl of Jersey at Osterley Park .
16 But this is misleading in the sense that much of this expenditure did generate purchasing power in recipient countries , which led to demand for dollar goods , demand which was not effectively curtailed by the exchange controls .
17 The floor was ankle-deep , knee-deep soon in viscid , melted , and disjoined hydra which sought to set like glue .
18 The police imposed a change of route which involved marching to Craigavon Bridge via Duke Street , instead of Distillery Brae and Spencer Road , and to the Diamond via John Street and Foyle Street instead of Carlisle Road .
19 After some detailed survey work members of the Glasgow South branch ; Bill McMath and George Houston ( also assisted by QAI Jonathan Simmons ) including a night visit in the pouring rain which involved peering at cracks in the outer wall with a torch , a detailed proposal was submitted to the Council .
20 Which involved going to evening classes and er then back to work and this involved nights regular , so it was a bit a bit of a dash , sleeping , evening class and then catching a bus which the first one , nine o'clock and to the colliery and starting .
21 Sheila Danby spent most of her working life in education , latterly in adult literacy as part of Operation Upgrade which involved working in Soweto .
22 American sailors ate cranberries by the barrel load for their high vitamin C content , which helped to stave off scurvy .
23 It was an important part of the governmental machine , which helped to produce by negotiation , discussion , criticism , and occasional obstruction — a large body of law .
24 It would also improve upon January 's brutal monetary reform , which tried to deal with savings by confiscating some of them : the new plan would raise interest rates to encourage consumers to leave their money in the bank .
25 The behind-the-scenes manoeuvring came as the Bond corporate empire met renewed difficulties with the Australian Stock Exchange , which suspended trading in Bond Corp .
26 A collection of such material should enhance our knowledge of the factors which contributed to change in law and society .
27 in this case the medical evidence concluded that death was from crushing of the chest which prevented breathing with death resulting within 5 minutes .
28 Previous legislation , which came to force on January 1 , 1987 , permitted patients to see only their hospital records , but now the right has been extended to records made in all medical institutions , including records made by private practitioners .
29 The entire scene was compounded by the thunderous silence that covered the scene , save the wind which seemed to whisper in condolence .
30 She had a long , narrow and strong-boned face , its severity softened by her eyes which seemed to glow with laughter and sense .
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