Example sentences of "which [vb past] [verb] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 A marketing plan was put in place which helped reduce dependence on the naval base , Faslane ; targeted other sources of revenue ; improved the hotel 's profile and instituted an effective staff training programme .
2 The Quebec National Assembly established an alternative Commission on the Political and Constitutional Future of Quebec , however , which began hearing evidence on Nov. 7 .
3 In Georgia , which had declared independence on April 9 , 1991 [ see p. 38159 ] , the Supreme Soviet banned the CP on Aug. 27 , and it was reported on Aug. 28 that a Georgian ministry of defence was being created .
4 At this stage , given the scale of the fighting , EC members were divided over whether the peace conference could go ahead , and Germany warned that it would unilaterally grant formal recognition to Croatia and Slovenia ( both of which had declared independence on June 25 ) if fighting persisted .
5 The incidents occurred after tensions had built up in these areas during April between the Croatian authorities and Serbian militants , exacerbated by the presence of the Serbian-dominated JNA which had entered Kijevo on April 29 [ see p. 38163 ] .
6 Kerr L.J. , delivering the court 's affirmative answer , mentioned the Crown 's arguments , which had included reliance on Lawrence , and the defendants ' concessions that appropriation had occurred and ( in the light of Lawrence ) that the absence of the owner 's consent was no longer an essential ingredient of theft .
7 The defendants denied liability , contending that an occupier 's duty of care to firemen attending his premises in the course of their work was limited to protecting the firemen from any special or exceptional risks over and above the ordinary risks necessarily incidental to a fireman 's job , and did not extend to protecting firemen from such ordinary risks which , on the facts , included an explosion of the kind which had taken place on the defendants ' premises .
8 The board also received an oral report from the chief legal officer about a meeting with representatives of Norwich Union which had taken place on the morning of 29 October 1990 .
9 But the tension in the atmosphere had nothing to do with the events which had taken place on board earlier that day .
10 I can only say I took some heart in all of this from the following interchange which had taken place on 1 May between my good friend Sir Patrick McNair-Wilson ( Member of Parliament for the New Forest ) and the prime minister , Margaret Thatcher .
11 President Bush for his part stressed the importance of progress under the bilateral Structural Impediments Initiative ( SII ) talks , the third round of which had taken place on Feb. 22-23 between US and Japanese trade officials , but which had so far produced little concrete progress toward the elimination of what the USA termed Japan 's unfair import barriers .
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