Example sentences of "which [adv] [vb past] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 These proposals for ‘ top-down ’ changes , which effectively sought to redraw the service boundaries , would probably achieve little , however , unless the real operational problems of delivering the service to individual clients were also tackled .
2 ‘ Yes , of course I did — and I can pop down to the church and see you come out , ’ she offered impulsively , which thankfully seemed to satisfy the other girl .
3 Francis Mulhern has argued that Scrutiny developed and propagated for the profession of English studies an ideological framework suited to the maintenance of a talent-governed career structure which eventually came to dominate the profession as a whole .
4 The plane loomed drunkenly above them like an abandoned toy , which only seemed to magnify the tragedy and their miraculous escape .
5 She loved the country life of the estate and could have been entirely happy were it not for Stephen 's habitual absences which only seemed to emphasise the constant presence of his mother .
6 While working class women increasingly went out to work , usually out of economic necessity , philanthropists and policy makers increasingly urged them to pay more attention to their duties as wives and mothers , which only tended to exacerbate the difficulties they experienced .
7 ( They have also recognized the political virtues of pluralistic multi-party democracy , which pluralism appeared to celebrate while Marxists previously derided it as ‘ bourgeois democracy ’ which merely served to mystify the reality of class oppression . )
8 The second was the decision of the American Supreme Court that they should divest themselves of monopoly control of the cinema chains which , as Heston said , was in hindsight a death blow which merely served to hasten the financial decline of each and every studio .
9 The Labour Party warned against taking part in any such movement which obviously threatened to disturb the balance maintained at Party Conference by the union block vote .
10 As the Legal Aid scheme was given to the Law Society to administer in 1949 and it had also been responsible for the voluntary and statutory schemes in 1959 it was quite logical that the Law Society should also run the new advice scheme and that it should use the local and regional structure which already existed to administer the legal aid scheme .
11 It follows that a society which had removed capitalism , but which nevertheless sought to retain the benefits of science and the flexibility of money , would still be faced with the problems of these intrinsic contradictions of modern life .
12 In the end there was long and controversial litigation , which nevertheless failed to establish the rights that Kagan sought .
13 Green 's memorandum reflected the WEA 's dissatisfaction with its original 1932 representation on the RAC in that although the District was recognised by the Board of Education as the most important providing body for Chapter III courses in the region , it had less than 25% of the committee 's membership which thus failed to recognise the WEA 's national or regional status .
14 The intention was always to develop the College as a learning community , which deliberately sought to emphasise the common experiences of working-class people through the full use of the residential setting by
15 This quickened the growth of an urban proletariat in the mid-nineteenth century , which gradually came to develop the collective organisations ( unions and political parties ) necessary to struggle against exploitation .
16 The discouraging effects of prolonged unemployment , experience in the labour market with employers and official intermediaries , public statements by political and economic commentators , politicians , and employers about the future of employment are all part of a social process of exclusion , which probably began to set the agenda in the minds of individual older workers in the After Redundancy study even before the redundancy itself took place .
17 Amal acted not only on its own behalf , but for its patron , Syria , which also wished to remove the PLO from Beirut .
18 This was a position which also continued to express the preference of most abolitionists that government intervention be limited to policy guidelines to be rendered into detailed legislation and implemented by local assemblies and officials except in the Crown Colonies .
19 I got the distinct impression that ‘ no deals for hostages ’ was a hollow posture that sounded tough but which really served to free the Thatcher government from the bother of exerting the influence it could , through diplomacy and trade .
20 After a short while I started to see an osteopath , which really helped to relieve the pain , but again only temporarily .
21 Combining the public relations exercise of showing herself to her people with the need to exhibit her legal powers , she set off on court circuits or justice eyres which inevitably had to include the crime-ridden Borders .
22 Only occasionally did the accompanying instruments — which frequently had to use the speech rhythms of the voice — overshadow the words to the detriment of the story .
23 He had an impish look about him , and the most beguiling manner , a combination which never failed to capture the hearts of all who came into contact with him .
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