Example sentences of "which [pers pn] [be] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We were talking about your career , in which I am taking a fatherly interest .
2 This year the big attraction at Christie 's summer party was the Badminton Bureau , a truly magnificent piece of furniture for which I was told a special place was built at Badminton House .
3 Unamuno also wrote : ‘ Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion ’ — a very Zen Buddhist concept of which I was to learn the truth in Salamanca .
4 I translated Schiller 's Don Carlos and revised my version of Heinrich von Kleist 's Prinz von Homburg for Eric Bentley 's anthology of classic German theatre , for which I was paid a pittance .
5 When I insisted , she flew into a rage , and the newly-weds had a very public row in the course of which I was termed a wet-rag and a killjoy who was too old to have fun any more .
6 I turned the pages ; but the top of the pew in front of me , upon which I was balancing the book , was narrow and my fingers cold .
7 A doubt grew into my mind : perhaps the whole certainty of purpose with which I was fighting the war was based on equally naive assumptions .
8 So you got ta weigh that up against er , doing two plans , which you 're paying the true cost of the benefits you would get .
9 Good balance is the effective control over your centre of gravity , relative to the direction in which you are delivering the ball .
10 Simple : the atomic reaction you expect is n't taking place , the beam with which you are bombarding the particles is on the wrong wavelength .
11 Is not the difficulty in which you are placed the fact that there are now only four Government Back-Bench Members representing Scotland , and 63 of different parties on the Opposition side of the House ?
12 It should be , it should be if it 's part of the basis upon which you are making an allegation that a duty arises .
13 Her popularity was obvious when so many colleagues gathered for her farewell presentation at which she was given a crystal vase and some luggage as a leaving present .
14 Blaise Cendrars witnessed a fight in which she was getting the better of Modigliani .
15 ‘ That 's a good sign , ’ she told the clipboard on which she was entering the details of his pulse rate .
16 The unfortunate queen , unable to take sunlight after her lengthy seclusion , was entirely swaddled in black cloth — in which she was undergoing an exercise so rigorous that we wondered if she would emerge from it alive .
17 Our eyes were glued to the large plate into which she was placing the cooked ones .
18 One friend has explained how , in a conversation in which she was lamenting the cost of electricity , Eliot asked her in a confidential manner , " Are you on the domestic tariff ? "
19 And that was when her conscience , which because she 'd got something else to think about had stayed quiet , suddenly started to get to her about the way in which she was deceiving the man she loved .
20 In late 1916 Nina Boyle went to Macedonia and Serbia to do war-relief work , for which she was awarded the Samaritan medal and the Allied medal .
21 The top model turned stuntwoman to film Coca-Cola 's latest Diet Coke commercial , for which she was paid a sparkling £1.8 million .
22 The next phase involved giving the subject a surprise memory test in which s/he was given a list of 80 words — ; the original plus 40 distractors of a similar type — ; and was asked to tick the boxes corresponding to the words which s/he recognised as those presented in the tachistoscope .
23 Obviously we have n't gone for wholesale personnel changes , so you 're the hook on which we 're hanging the idea , a new programme manager whose own image is the station 's — young , smart , sophisticated and committed to the music .
24 but every now and then we get something with a special offer on which we 're getting the Kelloggs cornflake bowls at the moment .
25 This is the second programme in a short series in which we 're taking a look at trends in science and engineering , particularly in the way that subjects are taught and opportunities for subsequent employment .
26 And welcome to a new series of Ideas in Action , in which we 're taking a look at various approaches to history .
27 So all I 'm saying is , if we 're not achieving that we need to go back and look at the way in which we 're operating the fax service , have a chat with erm Phil 's people or Jackie 's peo see if there 's any differences that we can take advantage of .
28 We 've been in flowers most of our lives but not demonstrating , which we 're finding a bit , a little bit er different .
29 We use this to cast light on a metaphor of which we are given no other interpretation .
30 In assessing patterns of support between grandparents and grandchildren ( in either direction ) in adult life there is a sense in which we are discussing a rather recent phenomenon , because of the changing age structure of the population and increased life expectancy .
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