Example sentences of "which [vb -s] out [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That way , your 30 days terms will mean 30 days instead of meaning anything from 30 to 60 days ( which averages out at 45 days or 50 per cent more days than 30 days ) .
2 Corbett grinned back ; a Welshman had once told him that each person has an aura about him , be it good or evil , which goes out to other people .
3 It is a situation which cries out for centralised resolution of the type the large commercial organisation can impose .
4 The second half of the chapter proposes that whole group work is a working method which develops out of small group work and gives greater coherence to it .
5 Material which starts out at regional may also go on to be used on the national networks .
6 On powering up , the front panel breaks out into a mini light show , each window blazing out its particular setting in red , except for the program number window which reads out in green for easy identification on stage .
7 It had six bedrooms , which works out at two each , as well as two bathrooms and about eight downstairs rooms .
8 He estimated 8 x 108 tons transported annually to the sea , which works out at 0.025 kg per square metre of the sea floor .
9 Which works out for both of you .
10 And the if you put the character of Woodrow Wilson aside , the , the central theme which comes out of this book , which is I think why it 's important , worth reading certainly the introduction is worth reading .
11 Show you areas where you might benefit from further training , that 'll be , brum , brum , get yourself on a training course , yes ? and also we 're producing a which comes out in early February on training , which will list to all your managers everything that we do in training .
12 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
13 The central empirical question which arises out of this perspective is : How far , in a given set of historical circumstances , do individuals feel constrained to bring their own timetables into line with family time by , for example , postponing certain transitions until the time is more auspicious for the family group as a whole ?
14 And er they erm were there to provide additional growth on savings , and it was , it was the inflation , the R P I plus a b a bonus which equalizes out at three and a quarter percent per annum .
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